
You forgot the qualuudes… you want her good and catatonic (and at Jack Nicholson's house, btw).

It's everyday gems like you with your common decency and unheralded caring that make life in this sometimes too cruel place livable and are the people we point to when someone asks for any good reasons to go on. I hope I haven't embarrassed you with that but maybe we're a bit foolish for finding empathy & decency

I would just like to second MrsLangdonAlger, I feel just exactly as she does and I also wish to thank you for expressing the common (yes common) decency of most men in this sort of situation. Like murder, rape and sexual assault are anti-social crimes, behaviors your average man (I would say average person but these

I really hope this isn't the case, but I fear with the reveal of the caller to what we all assumed to be Tyrell from a phone left to Ms. Wellick coming from somewhere very near her home… I think it indicates that Tyrell is dead with the likely suspect of who left the phone in the first place, leaving the baby's rattle

OK, me too, female and fan.

As bad as the 3 lead desperados are, TGTBTU has always held it's most solemn indictments for the surrounding society they inhabit and the "respectable" government and citizenry: see the all the gore shots courtesy of the Civil War, or anytime one of the more comfortable "citizens" opens their mouth & see the petty

If it wasn't so ham-fistedly telegraphed, she might have almost seemed lifelike.

So we have people applauding the fembot model known as Swift, iteration:
Taylor for "bravely" standing up to Apple whilst they condemn some
poor, lowly photographer for doing the same to her…

Well, can't not upvote this…

Keep the "lilt" for the Welsh if you like ;)

Yes! I remember that scene (didn't know whether or not to bring it up - is deleted content a spoiler?) but I took away from that scene an opposite interpretation of Tywin's personality, seeing him as even more of an ascetic, always busy being "of use," domineering type he's always been - the man is never not doing

I can't go for the theory that Shae was in Tywin's pocket the whole time… he'd have to be psychic to weave this particular web & logistically that's got to be impossible so if what you say is (probably, sadly) likely true - Shae was only acting the whole time with Tyrion, keeping an eye out for what? A better

Hah! Hadn't thought of that… when I heard the name I was wondering "Does he have a "thing" against Orson Wells?"…

I just can't "get it" emotionally… I think I'll need more time to see where this all goes & what is eventually revealed - if she was a "mole" she's the best damned actress in Westeros. :(

But Jesus, why, Shae? I guess as someone who has most certainly been in love, been loved & loved others - I can understand her "on pain of death/torture & death" testimony against Tyrion, but not taking so lightly to Tywin's bed - I mean really? He's now "your lion?" How does that work, exactly?

Yeah ethical (his own ethics, but still - "Because you're a Lannister!", etc, etc) is perhaps a better word than moral in this context, but I guess I'm just dumbfounded as he does seem to have a real visceral revulsion to whores, any "deviant" sexual behavior (remember his reactions during his chat with Lady Olena re:

Yes to everything listed - I was totally caught off guard by the reviewer stating that somehow Arya allowing the Hound - who had just declared himself her devoted protecter with no ulterior motive & had fought to the (near imminent0 death for her not moments before - to die a horrible lingering death in the middle of

I agree with the author in that this was a whole lot of information to take in in a single episode but for me particularly the question of was Shae "in on it" the whole time (and she was "found" for him by Bronn - what about his involvement with Tywin & his control (or whatever's going on here) of his youngest son?