
It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me THINK!

I’d say nice price for $1500 less. Picked up an 2005 A4 for $3000 last summer with 120,000 on the clock. It has lasted a year and we replaced the turbo on it. Fun to drive. For a standard.

Some of those girls are gonna get a heck of a payday. No money is worth what they went through.

In Dallas a pit stop at Lee Harvey’s, they have tacos.

Nice price or crack pipe?

I just hope this series goes to seven games.

This is the reason my son decided not to go to A&M.

My wife’s alter ego drives. I don’t know who that woman is behind the wheel, her school marm by day and cussing sailor while driving is an amazing transformation witnessed by all that know her. It is a thing of beauty. One of our kids dropped the fbomb at school one day, teacher asked where he’d heard that, re replied

This is why I have three trees on my parkway in front of my house where another street dead ends right up to. Never have had a car run that stop sign though.

Toyota FJ Cruiser. Boxy and plastic.

Reading Deadspin...

Game, set and match!

Not a car!

Who was older? Colon, Redferd in real life when the movie was made, or Roy Hobbs?

I’ve heard Jessica Mendoza on the air. Never heard of Mike North.

This story brightened my shitty day.


I love seeing an outfielder throw out a runner at home. It’s the old catcher in me.

This makes me hate AC/DC.

You are the BEST parent ever.