
What was the price range for the electrician?

The one thing that keeps a few friends of mine from purchasing, is related to where they would get service for their Tesla.

Love is blind?

Stop making so much sense.

VW’s easily swappable bodies are what got me into working on cars as a high schooler. One body was for regular city driver and the other was a dune bug. Things were so simple back then.

How do I get out of the grays?

Flipped around added contrast

It is NOT a VW CC 2013 or newer. Or VW Jetta.

I sometimes work for a company that has 30 women and only four men. Company warehouse has relocated. Each guy has his own personal bathroom. So nice to take your time while on the clock.

You can’t rush them. I know that’s unfair, but imagine sitting down to take a shit and having some impatient prick start banging on the door after five minutes. You’d be homicidal, because no one should ever disturb another person mid-shit. Once you’re in that stall, it’s yours. You have entered a poopy wormhole where

Traveling was not called.

Sounds to me like coach took one on the Chinn

Limit yourself to only two pairs of shoes, no matter what.

Sciatica, YUP! The one and only time my kids have seen me cry.

Yes, and my wife is the worst cook evar, too. Also, we never wash our pans, just rinse and wipe. I’ll be stuck in the grays forever....

I am about to buy a 2013 VW CC...Now I’m scared!


I’m in a big city, Dallas, and don’t live within the confines of HOA. It is easy to find parts, lots of junk yards, and an hour into the country where you can find those autos that have been sitting for years. I drove an Isuzu Rodeo for years and made a mental note of one I saw parked in a pasture. I needed some odds

Sober and drunk are the only two I come up with

Amtrak from Dallas to Austin is BYOB, or at least it was for everyone in the window train. Is this a south thing?