
No, he’s not qualified in any way. Remember when the big talking point was that Obama lacked the experience to be president? It’s so amazing that since that time the Republicans have changed their minds completely. Either that or they’re just shameless hypocrites? Nah ....

His supporters believe he is the living embodiment of the American dream. They think he’s earned the right to “trade up” whenever a wife no longer lives up to the trophy status in his mind. They also think he’s going to share the wealth by bringing back jobs that are no longer sustainable in the US. They’re so blinded

Totes agree. If Hillary wins, her best move is to Give No Quarter. Trump’s supporters are just xenophobic know-nothings with delusions of relevance. Reminding them of their terrible judgement as he is tried for defrauding students through Trump University, and as his financial shenanigans during the campaign, like

It’s important we not let Trump supporters forget about it after the fact. This isn’t some harmless oddity like, I don’t know, liking Cop Rock in the 90s. This is world ruining business, and they need to be reminded, as much as necessary, of just how bad their judgment was. They need to never trust themselves again.

And his supporters are still on the team. Remember when his base said our president was going around apologizing for America? The America he hates? They were worried the rest of the world would laugh at us? Why are they not embarrassed by this creep? He lies. He has 5 kids by 3 wives, he’s had affairs, he’s