
Clippy on the ATM is pure genius

Great, now the bounce has gone from my bungee.

This release date is really real. I mean it's real and you may never see it but it's really there. I mean it's real.

Judging from the core audience sentiment few gamers are going to buy this and for new customers the cost of entry is at least $350? I think that's a deal breaker in most cases.

this may be one of the coolest pictures ever.

I see they've taken the squaresoft path of grossly misinterpreting masculine to mean extremely feminine.

Okay this infographic just led to lots of wikipedia searches and the loss of about half an hour of productivity.

goodbye pretty google.

I know what I'm getting for christmas.

@The Forgetful Brain: I remember how the demo wouldn't run on anyones computer but it was the first physics engine I'd seen in game. That was pretty sweet.

But will it have a boob health meter?

I'd pay for Hulu if it's not too expensive. Their service is awesome.

I don't think that over priced hardware, broken promises and alienating the installed base was "getting signals from consumers that this was the kind of device that they wanted."

I'm not one to criticize the articles on Kotaku but I could have answered the question quickly. The answer is: Yes. Buy an Xbox 360.

"Half of those are addicted to online gaming, which makes us wonder what the other half are doing."

Surprised there's no "that's so Gaye" jokes here yet.

@Gyaruson 2.0: I mean the cramping you get from playing the game non-stop. GH2 was the pinnacle of the series.

+10 shirt of hacking strikes again.

3D actually has real promise for making games more immersive where nearly all motion control to this point has been gimmicky.