@Manly_McBeeferton: try toothpaste method.
@Manly_McBeeferton: try toothpaste method.
@ClaudioIphigenia: Criminal. Song won't come out of my head now.
@breathe_unison: godsend.
@Rgiammaria: I like it. Can't wait to see all the maps and customization options in the full game.
@manofiorn: I got it on direct 2 drive GOTY edition for $25 but yeah, took forever for that game to drop.
@NeVeRMoRe666: It could be worse but yeah, I usually wait about 6 months for games to go below $30USD.
Special Editions: Making suckers pay more while keeping prices reasonable for the rest of us.
Social gaming has yet to impact me at all. I still play Harvest Moon and not farmtown and I've yet to even touch the Sims. I kind of miss when being a gamer made you a social pariah.
The real question is "why are gundam plastic models made?".
I know you can create team logos to look like the NFL but will there be a download feature so I can just download the best remakes and be lazy?
I hold on to a ton of clothes that don't fit because I'm sure I'm going to fit back into them someday. Perhaps it's time to say goodbye.
Obama had a vast majority on the polling done on XBL from what I remember. He was supposed to be hip on tech and used a blackberry religiously. Now it turns out he doesn't know crap about tech. I'm so shocked. He also loves the white sox but can't name a single player or pronounce the name of the stadium…
@enDyne: basically it sells you the game for $39 and charges you $20 for the card so if you return the game you only get $39 back.
That game looks like a snap!
This still seems pricey per hour but a good deal for a month. I don't like paying a monthly subscription because then i feel obligated to play.
@ekm29: It's difficult in the way that it's difficult to listen to time share seminars.
I disagree that the conclusion about PC games is one of control. I think it's much more about cost. A good gaming PC costs between $600-$1000 vs. an Xbox which is $300. PC games used to be made to run on common PCs but now most PCs will not run current games due to crappy videocards. I know lots of people with…
I just preordered Red Dead Redemption from Walmart with a $20 gift card. The card got emailed to me as soon as I ordered. Pretty good deal.
Cell phone grids are in the shape of hexagons because if you have a circular projection and want to not leave any space uncovered a honeycomb grid is the best representation. I guess Civ 5 will accurately let you put up cell phone companies and battle to the death over who gets the iPhone?
Will leave you crying mouseka-tears?