
I've always thought that was how you're supposed to do it. I guess I'm just ahead of the curve.

Paxton is going to be so sad when he hears you didn't absolutely love his game...

@kingmanic: yeah, it's all preference.

@madammina: When the gravity gun goes nuts in Half Life 2

@kingmanic: It just makes it so much easier to navigate the map. Whenever I play Red Alert 3 I keep trying to zoom out more. It's almost a reflex now.

I'm not sure I'm able to play RTS without strategic zoom anymore.

@deanbmmv: the differences are hard for a fan-ta-see.

Yes, he's an idiot for shunning harmonix. Would it have helped the companies bottom line? Meh, I think the Guitar Hero fad was in full swing by the time GH3 came out so it sold well anyway. Activision rode the thing into the ground the way that all evil corporations do fads and it was history. Not having Rock Band

@aronsamma: I won't be playing it until there is a crack for it. I'm still gonna pay for the game but I don't like the idea that if I lose connection I get booted or I won't be able to play it when the servers shut down.

@masonsturtle: I'm a cheapo. $20 is the sweet spot but bigger games I'll go $30. I only buy games at $60 if I'm gonna play them with friends and can't wait like Halo or COD.

@JayUnreal: I find myself torn on DLC. Half of me says "you guys are ripping us off, give me the whole game!" The other half of me says "If I find value I'll buy it otherwise I wont." I can't figure out which one I agree with more.

@ttocs: Half of me wonders why even bothering to put the game on PC if they are going to do this. If they are so concerned about piracy then just don't release it at all.

It's so strange that videogames think they are unique to second hand sales. I would think that books would be far more likely to be loosing revenue to resale than videogames but you don't see book publishers pissing and moaning about it because it's an established legal right. Movies get resold constantly too. I

@QualityJeverage: Yeah, once again legitimate buyers are punished on behalf of pirates. I was thinking about buying it on PC but screw that now.

@Cerabret100: I totally agree on the assessment of STALKER Complete 2009. I thought it was harder to play after even if it did look better. When I say polish I don't mean stability as much as presentation.