
@deanbmmv: I believe SC2 is full steam support including multiplayer and VAC.

@DarthMetalHope: pass on both counts. I don't need any more nightmares.

@Baconrath: technically yes, are there bugs that affect only certain cards, yes. PhysX doesn't count because nobody cares about it.

@Pheermee: me too, cleared my browser cache and it fixed it.

Anyone out there eagerly awaiting Supreme Commander 2? We going to form a Kotaku Supreme Commander 2 steam group?

@Slagathorian: This is a valid argument to be sure but the same could be said for AC2 and MW2. Batman is probably the most overlooked game for GOTY a victim no doubt of our inability to retain long term memories. Why no love for Batman?

@fauxbravo: I didn't have this problem nearly as much as I did in inFAMOUS. After that game AC2 seemed like heaven.

@Wolfnave: If you can't kill someone in one shot sniping it's pointless because you're rarely going to get a 2nd shot. That being said I find sniping in BC2 to be an exercise in frustration.

@Slagathorian: I don't remember the first Uncharted winning any GOTY awards and I don't see anything different about the 2nd other than nicer graphics. Admittedly I haven't played the mutliplayer so maybe that's the part of the game I'm missing.

@deanbmmv: Yeah, made a bigger pain that I have to change "kotaku" in the URL to gizmodo in order to see the page through the web filter.

@Slagathorian: The only part of AC2 that was annoying to me was the boss battle button mashing. You mention excelling and I can't think of anything Uncharted excels at except graphics and cutscenes. Other than that it's good but not outstanding.

@kevldulf: Very well put. The other thing is that it just wasn't that much fun. It was pretty but the combat never got me excited.

@Auto Aim is for Pussies.: I'd argue that both Batman and Assassin's Creed were better games. Probably MW2 just because I've already logged about 5 days on it.

@ubikblack: You're commenting in a gaming blog, the answer is you have to buy a 360. If you really wanted a snowboard you'd be commenting out somewhere in the real world, possibly a snowboard shop.

@kearneybobs: Yeah, the problem lies with me to be sure. I just see the shooting in MW2 as being so much better or even the action scenes. I see Assassin's Creed as being more addicting and interesting plot wise. I just don't like putting one game above another. I've felt like this since everything with GTA

I for one am really enjoying the new click to expand replies. It's making it so much easier to find a topic I'm interested in. Thanks kotaku.

@Slagathorian: "Also, I believe I was on my second or third playthrough before I realized that Chrono was mute"

@Shmraggon: Are all game studios so leveraged that one bad game leads to closure? It's a shame to see so many companies die last year.

I get so tired of the GOTY awards and I guess it shouldn't bug me so much. When I heard Uncharted 2 was the game of the year all I wanted to do was comment about how generic it was. I could only see the faults in the game. If kotaku doesn't award scores for games for similar reasons it seems a bit silly to pick a