Soon we should have enough battle royales to have a battle royale battle royale.
Soon we should have enough battle royales to have a battle royale battle royale.
Why don’t you just come right out and say those ignorant niggers?
Hey I’d rather watch Tommy and Lisa go at it than see those two up there make out (yeah, strong stuff).
Listen. If you fill a nice, clean kiddie pool with cool, clear water, knowing that one of your kids is eventually going to ingest some of that water while they’re playing, and then that kid takes a fucking shit in the pool, guess what. The water is ruined. You can’t just be like, “Hey, now! It’s only the poop that’s…
on her journey as the personal dynamics and effects of being away from home become more and more complex”—her character is expected to leave her husband, played by Josh Charles, and daughter, played by Talitha Bateman, behind during her three-year mission.
Yeah they will because look at that is being pushed- that antifa is burning down your country. They are using the uprising to make middle of the road white women nervous. And it’s working.
I knew from day one Trump was a fucking moron unfit to run a child’s birthday let alone the country. But I also — stupidly, it seems — believed he’d tone down his schtick and also that the day-t0-day running of the government would essentially fall on Ivanka and Jarred who (lol) I believed had some measure of…
Again. Here’s hoping... Maybe the disenfranchisement will be on both sides? Will the apathy on the one side outbalance the actual ability to safely vote being taken from the other? Will people hold their noses and convince themselves again that he's better for them than Uncle Joe? I'm afraid...
Yeah, I voted for Clinton, but when Trump won my hope was that even though he’d push a typically abhorrent GOP agenda and fill at least one SCOTUS seat, he’d shed both his “real estate crook” and “reality TV fixture” personas and actually try to be a good president, to the best of his meager abilities.
Here’s hoping... I hope that as an incumbant, they lose the “wait and see—he’ll moderate” crap approach that so many took. Their only rationale now would be openly admitting, “We benefit and we don’t care who pays the price for this arrangement.” Do they even benefit?
“That’s was MLK’s dream. Thats what he died for.”
Exactly. This is a case where, sure, in an ideal world, the ideal amount of waste would be $0. Nobody’s in favor of errors and waste.
it if we could get to a point where you can just be an asshole and everyone universally acknowledges that you’re an asshole and treats you as such, but that didn’t have to mean you’d basically have to lose your career over it.
Pam was civil in pointing it out and you were gracious in accepting the feedback... Are you sure it’s 2020?
Am I going to have to stop making fun of Virginia, or nah?
Well, if you’re feeling hurt, I have good news: if you enjoyed the Cellino and Barnes jingle between the years 2003-2007, you may be entitled to financial compensation.
Your list is on point. King Dead and Chinatown are also in the top 3. This show was good enough to have at least 5 in the top 3.
Well, there is an obvious downside: there’s only so much you can do about the Iowa 4th District, because it’s rural, white and has little in the way of college education. Put that together, and you’ve got yourself a Trump District Cocktail. As much as I would like non-college educated rural whites to see their…
Yeah I’ve said this to my childless friends who ask if it’s harder with kids, and explain that actually having a child is an amazing way to stay grounded and focused on the meaningful things in my life when everything else in the world is nuts. But yes I am also rather privileged and can’t claim that my experience is…
name/user icon checks out.