
I have never been a fan of Al but his smack down of Billy Bush redeemed him forever and ever for me — and that was before the “grab ‘em” tape emerged.

But That Girl was utterly dependent on Donald and “Daddy.” An adorable character who often tried to stick up for herself, but she was nothing like the independent Mary Richards.

None of my dystopian novels predicted rouge park rangers leading the resistance on Twitter. . .

I would pay some of my hard-earned money to hear that said at a presser in a British accent.

BUT HER EMAILS! Right Bernie Bros and Stein-heads. You can all go burn in hell for the part you played in making this nightmare a reality, fuck all of you.

MTM was my profile pic here long before yesterday. I was 7 when the MTM show started but it still had a major impact on me. Of everything I saw on TV as a kid, MTM was a vision of a life for my adult self that was aspirational. I wanted her apartment, her wardrobe, her autonomy, her friends, her career, her boyfriends

She was my mom’s inspiration (and Oprah’s) and they made her mine. At the time, I was just like “of course she moved to the city by herself and is living her life” but I didn’t realize how radical of a departure it was from everything else on television at the time. And how much the opening sequences of her going

God yes. For a 70's girl like me (whose mother had never had her own bedroom in her entire life) the thought of a whole apartment for one woman was beyond eye-opening. Mary’s life and journalism career was the dream. I used to fantasize about all the dinner parties I’d hold with the literati of the day.

I know this post isn’t about Oprah, but that video made me love her even more. Everyone can fangirl!

to be fair, mary lived a long and fulfilling life, with heartbreak and happiness both in good measure. everyone’s gotta die someday. this is sad, but to me, it isn’t tragic.

The Mary Tyler Moore Show was a blueprint for ambition for a lot of us “smart girls” in the 70s. My mom was a working professional woman, and it was always expected that one day I too would get a degree and a career. But MTM’s vision of a confident, funny woman who could hold her own in a big-city workplace dominated

Watching reruns of The Mary Tyler Moore Show as a child was the first time I saw a woman living the single life and pursuing a career. Her show put a friendly, sympathetic face on the struggle of the modern woman, paving the way for my understanding of feminism.

I think we’re at a point where we have a generation that doesn’t fully understand how incredibly important and amazing Mary Tyler Moore and Carol Burnett were. Without them, you never get Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. You never get Jessica Williams and Broad City. Moore was so damn talented, and you could argue she

At least she didn’t die of a busted goober.

Aw crap. She was so important to my mother and me (but especially my mom) when we were both teenagers (in 70's and 00's, respectively) and aspiring journos.

She’s a sentient pile of old hay.

This is a mirror universe episode of West Wing, Facist Wing. Additionally, she looks like she couldn’t be bothered to fully zip up her skin suit.

This is a crazy time stream we’re in. I wonder what’s happening in the reality that has Hillary as POTUS.

See, I know you’re just having a giggle, but the fact that there are going to be people who ACTUALLY think shit like that makes it very unfunny...so could you just not? ( ಠ_ಠ)

“Tell me America... how many lights do you see?”