
I am really frustrated with all the Trump supporters who have been fine with all the sexism and racism, threats, claiming Obama is a muslim commie, etc. who are now saying, “It’s time to shut up and get on board. We all have to work together.” Huh. What changed? Fuck that.

I know. Do you ever listen to him speak and think, “Well I must be dead and/or in the Twilight Zone because there is no way in hell this can be real.”

Nothing witty, I just hope he fucking dies.

His incessant need to brag about how he and everything to do with him is just the best or “record-setting” or whatever is absolutely breathtaking. I can totally believe the most important thing in his mind right now is putting on a good show at the inauguration. Not, you know, solving any of the nation’s problems or

The haberdasheries are all out of haberdash!

What’s the difference between SkyNet and Kellyanne Conway?

All hail Kellyanne Conway, goddess-queen of the trolls. Her one job is to ensure that words mean nothing, and she is fucking awesome at it.

“inciting people’s worst instincts.”

Yep, it’s 9 a.m. and I’m just getting around to putting on pants, considering the gym, but really this hot coffee in my silent loft apartment is quite nice. They made today a work-from-home day at work due to the sub-zero temps. Maybe I’ll finish my book since I have two more in the queue, but I should tidy up and get

I’m not alive; I’m more of a hazy idea thought up in a mad-man’s fever dream.

If by living he means stumbling around in stained sweats with circles under my eyes from lack of sleep, while my kidless friends go on a girl’s weekend to Vegas, then absolutely!

Jude is right. I’m not living. I am not even human. I am a spirit who only briefly takes corporeal form to post Harry Styles gifs on Jezebel. Here’s the secret: it may not be living, but it’s wonderful.

It’s nice to see the next round of Fox News anchors before they get famous.

White men want to be oppressed SO BADLY, yet the minute they see the slightest hint of a path towards equality for all they freak out and put people like Donald Trump and his minions in the White House.

Suffered is a strong word in this case, my friend.

You cannot be serious with this comment, right?

I am so fucking tired of this comment appearing on every article about whatever fucking bullshit Texas republicans are up to today. I live in Texas. I vote democrat, I donate democrat, I go to protests, and I volunteer with the people hurt by our bullshit state government. Sick of losing national elections? How about

Wait, it a new dumb expression? I thought the person who wrote the headline just had a stroke or something

I’m not getting Siberia, but rather creepy retro porn.

He looks so stupid. Well, I guess that’s business as usual, but, I mean, this is Hollywood, not SIBERIA. You’re from Canada, Justin! You should be ashamed.