Yannick Totilo

What would you add exactly in all that space? It would be weird if Snake started helping locals with various quest like objectives. That’s not the type of game this is. The open world aspect is primarily there to provide flexibility in how you approach bases. If you didn’t like navigating the map between bases, there

You can find blueprints on the battlefield which in turn allow you to develop new gear in the menu I mentioned. You also get new blueprints for completing some missions or side ops. Some gear can be developed instantly. The good stuff might take 30 mins or longer of real time. It depends how talented your R&D staff

What a very specific complaint

The base management stuff isn’t really that big a deal. Yes, it helps to Fulton soldiers off the battlefield but the game will auto assign them roles at MB. You don’t have to manually keep every aspect of MB running and there’s a lot of menus you can ignore (might make it harder to earn cash and upgrades as fast

MGSV was never intended to be an open world game like Witcher 3 with quests every 10 feet. The point was to give you a huge amount of space to tackle missions in a variety of ways while providing a sense of scope the series hasn’t seen before. If you wanted something different out of the game, that’s on you, not