Yankton, née Spacemonkey Mafia

Honestly, I think that these problems were already there in season 2. As Filoni’s influence has grown, it’s become a more incestuous world, spending lots of time bringing back his pet characters, instead of forging ahead with its own story. That said, I did think season 1 was a bit overrated too — not bad, pretty good

I started losing faith once Mando became a direct continuation of the Filoni-verse. I didn’t watch Clone Wars or Rebels. I know who Ahsoka is purely through cultural exposure but generally she doesn’t mean much to me. And it seems like S3 is just fully Filoni-versing it up, which I don’t care about.

“It doesn’t help that one mysterious taciturn armor guy and his ward are cool, but a whole crew of them running around like the Keystone Cops makes them exponentially less so.”

Now playing

This show really was a treat. I think it makes a great companion piece to the Last of Us. It’s a far more ‘optimistic’ interpretation of what life could be like after a pandemic causes the End of the World

Reading all of the hate online about this episode really makes me cringe. I thought it was the best one of the series so far, and I’m a 49-year-old white married cis male that thinks the relationship between Bill and Frank over this “long long time” absolutely brought the story even further. The performances were

People have devalued artists since the dawn of time. When NFT’s came out, I almost thought artists had the upper hand for once, only to find out it was a pyramid scheme that also contributes to climate change.

Do AI art without stealing existing art.

Ahh yes, it’s the artists whose works are being stolen that are to blame for being upset.

I don’t mind the technology so much as all the chodes who insist they’re real artists because they spent two hours typing different variations of “catgirl with enormous breasts, baroque, visible cleavage, girl I liked in high school” into the Midjourney discord.

The best part of these articles are the people who see this as people having an issue with this as a “fear of ai” issue and not a “this will be abused by our overlords to harm people, because look at everything that has ever happened in time until this point“ issue.

Dangerous is putting it lightly. A lot of society have been conditioned to not recognize or respect what is art, and instead pay more attention to branding. This has been a 60 year conversion that benefits corporations and capitalistic greed in the end.

“We should not be angry at unethical things happening. Thats just the way of things and we should absolutely do nothing to change that.”

All the examples that you gave are either free according to the license, have to give credits to the creator or you have to pay for them in order to use it. All of those things have not been taken into consideration with AI and just been scraped from the internet without any consideration.  Iray is just a renderer and

I dont care if you use it, do whatever you want (except for selling the pure output, deceive) But what I do care about is the AI getting trained with datasets scraped from artists and companies. Its not like automation in the olden days, since its entirely generated off the work of other people and couldnt live

What’s extremely dark is that this bullshit story has its origins in the fact that some schools have invested in ‘urine absorption crystals’ because during active shooter drills young children have needed to pee but they can’t leave their classroom until the end of the drill. They aren’t ‘litter boxes’ but teachers

I like my Ant-Man movies on a much smaller scale (pun semi intended). I know this is setting up the next phase of the MCU but I think I’d prefer the silly heists of the first two.

i think maybe i’m at a point in my life where i genuinely have no reaction to cgi, positive or negative, other than ‘well i guess that looks expensive’.

I don’t have a “hate-boner” for Chris Pratt, his shitty politics notwithstanding. I just wish they ignored that temptation to cast big name stars, and left it to proper voice actors who let the characters stand out more than their star power, pardon the pun.

Yeech even this review was painful.

Babu Frik>>>>>>>Dead-eyed Luke Skywalker