
This seems like a silly question to me. Of course the addition of one joke Clooney cameo did not affect the film reception to any significant degree.

I mean, it’s generally accepted that nobody needs or wants Ezra Miller involved in whatever direction DC decides to go in. There’s no reason to include them in Gunn’s DC universe, largely as a result of their behavior, but also because the movie pretty much shot Barry Allen’s entire wad in one go. If the new

God I hope we get Superman.  I think an episode with him and Barry teaming up would be a ton of fun

Its hard to read this as anything but a soft repudiation of Zack Snyder’s view of Superman. It feels like we’re finally getting a virtuous, boy scout Superman movie and I’m here for it. 

So he’ll be playing himself...
Has he ever played a character not named “Tony”?

The whole site needs to stop that

Whatever helps you sleep at night, McFly!

“Shark still looks fake..."

Rosie O’Donnell but not as her original character, Doris Murphy, but as a local bar owner and fan of the Peaches.

I mean, I've seen it three times in theaters and I've never had covid. Yes, I do get tested 

Damn, I run a CCWGTV and use the Apple TV app for randomly renting movies. Ah well, I guess I can cancel Apple TV+ and uninstall the app.

The 13 Pro shouldn’t exist anymore. The MBAir is 13" and the 14" and 16" should be the ‘Pro’ models.

I really read this headline as a New Spider-Man Noir with vampires was coming. 

I was far more intrigued with Bugs, and her crew on the Mnemosyne, than anything having to do with Neo and Trinity. I could have watched an entire heist movie about them tracking down and stealing Neo & Trinity’s bodies in the real world.

All I want is a round Apple Watch.

I think you Yanks are really overestimating how prissy Disney are about their brand.

That’s why he brought a teenager and an elderly lady.  Kind of like human-thought shields.  :)

what percentage of people watching this are hoping to see a billionaire blow up?  5%?  20%?  More?

This is one of the few movies where I definitely prefer the theatrical cut to the extended “Untitled” version. The movie’s already long enough and has enough time to hit all the intended emotional beats (and hit them well); the extra footage didn’t feel like it added much. 

Ideally the show would have had ~4 seasons to see Sam, Neal, and Bill through high school and Lindsay into her first couple of years of adulthood, but yeah, as semi-intentional series finales go "Discos and Dragons" is hard to beat.