
Not true. In my college dorm room which had a full kitchen, we wanted a dishwasher, so we found a portable one like this that rolls around like a kitchen cart. connects to the sink, and gave us more counter space:

I didn't think it was possible, but for someone with this, going through airport security will get even WORSE!

Right. For this to be successful it needs to be small and self-charging. I'm not going to remember to charge my keys and wallet. Since my keys are in my pocket, a solar charger wouldn't work, but some kind of kinetic charger like in those flashlights you need to shake to use would. Since every step would cause it

Not all at once, but don't tell me you have never left your keys on a restaurant table at one point or another....

And keys

can they make this for my wallet, phone and keys???

This is a terrible idea. It takes up the space of a cutting board (instead of a slim kitchen scale), yet can't be used as a cutting board. Yet because it looks like one, the moment someone else is using my kitchen, I guarantee you they will end up breaking the scale since they think it's a cutting board.

It doesn't seem to be rolled out everywhere, even in major cities. I tried putting my streetview between where the two Yankee Stadiums were- one being constructed, one being demolished, but nothing...

Original Gameboy, Super Mario Land and Tetris. I just got gba4ios and got the rocket ship in Tetris for the first time in probably 15 years... man that was nice. Super Mario Land still to this day is the hardest Mario game for me to beat.

Too bad Keith Hernandez wasn't the announcer for this.

While most of the Yankee announcers suck (especially Sterling), the rare teaming of Singleton and Cone - no Michael Kay - is really good. They both know their stuff and Cone is a perv as well and histerical to listen to. There's a thread that spans 6 years with his quotes:

And I can imagine they'll be laughing at my New York accent as well :-). I struggle with my Spanish which is very much like English... there is no way I'll be able to learn Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Danish, Russian, Dutch, Flemish, and Icelandic in time for my vacation...

Now let's seem them do it again, but flying coach.....

At least you know English as well so can use it that way. I will be in Stockholm and Visby on a cruise later this year and was to relieved to hear they speak English.

This needs to be tested. Does anyone have an old photograph of themselves from when they were around 3 to upload?

I love the fact that at the end he mentions Apple should sell the iPhone design to Samsung. There has GOT to be some irony in that...

So, will the roof grow and have to be mowed and stuff?

construction on the new bridge did begin... Just nothing you need a giant crane for- they have been pile driving since last year and are just now beginning construction of the substructure

minimum wage is $500,000- think about it- you get $500,000 to sit on the bench and do something like, once every other week while everyone else is working their butts off. Then you get that infamous MLB Pension.

This room is creepy looking - it reminds me of a Ghost House in Mario or something- I'm expecting those chairs to come flying at me and ghosts to come through that mirror on the left, or whatever it is...