
I'm a QA tester on utest.com- basically testing websites and phone apps and you get paid for finding and reporting issues and reporting test cases. I test about 3 nights a week and make around $360, give or take, extra a month.

It only mentions that Bloomingdales decided to install it in the women's section... Not that it only works for women

So wait, this is in the Women's denim dept... does this work for guys too?

I have a bad back and can't run because it's too high impact- does it work with walking for ~30-45 mins also?

lol tell that to foxconn

I know- though it still sounds like it will be amazing. Just no reason to go COMPLETELY perfect- it will still be a beautiful place.

Yes but the difference is the stores are customer facing- how many customers, and even media, will ever see most parts of this office? Perhaps in the 10% the public will be able to see they can have the Jobsian fit and finish, but everywhere not as much. Apple Stores are made to be customer facing so it makes sense

Also the GPA app is for Ardsley... Zuckerberg went to Ardsley High School for two years as per his facebook profile.

For anyone who tried this, does it actually taste any different than a scrambled egg? Or is this just a cool party trick?

Nah it's not a contract- one of the condo board members is a young tech guy like me and wants fios as much as me, so I was able to push to find out info... basically the condo was built in 1980 and the wiring is 30 years old and wouldn't work with fios. They called Verizon, and they were going to charge a ton of

Exactly! Where is fios?!? I'm in a condo complex and fios is everywhere but in my complex... I'm pretty sure that's grounds for moving.

I have an original roku and unless they add airplay, I will be replacing it with an Apple TV once HBO GO is on it- while the Roku may have a better interface, being able to view the iPhone or iPad full screen is priceless.

The bottom being narrower I would think will make it easier to fit in cup holders.. In some cars, normal 20oz bottles don't fit so great

Remember, before somewhat recently that WAS the case- I mean in NY, Penn Station was torn down, Grand Central was almost torn down, etc. So I wouldn't blame someone in 1988 for having a pessimistic view and thinking that would happen again.

I was actually thinking earlier that it can be used for the opposite thing- imagine on a date with a girl if google glasses can give reminders to look into their eyes.. if you are staring at someone else or their chest or something instead, Glass could give a subtle warning to stop glancing....

He lives in the Bronx and not Brooklyn? He can't be a hipster!

Do they charge tax in the eBay store?

In other news, sales of Pepto and Rolaids up 50% today..

It could be... though that is very different for Apple- when there was the antenna issue for the iPhone 4, while the issue was patched with the bumper, they didn't actually fix it until the 4S

the thing is, the only reason I actually use google maps on my iPad is for street view- when I'm actually looking up directions, I'm usually on the go and taking out the iPad would be a pain anyway.