
Don't forget Glenn Beck anything and Oprah sobbing into a lean cuisine! And I'm still waiting for the game where a Big Black Dick and a Bigger Blacker Dick are played in the same hand.

I so completely agree. I always wondered what those white dots were in the game and now... I know :-(.

Note to self: do not get lost on April 13, 2029. Car gps's may become more useless than Apple Maps.

I use sleep cycle, which, yeah, you have to keep open, but you get way more information out of it than a normal alarm clock so I actually do remember to open it up because of that. Plus the intelligent alarm to wake you up when you are in non REM sleep is really helpful.

Seems pretty normal to me for a small town. I live an hour north of NYC, and while I do read the major NYC and Hudson Valley newspapers primarily, my local town's paper usually looks something like this, sans the recent editions with the Newtown school shooting (one of the funerals was in my town) and Hurricane Sandy

If this works indoors, can this PLEASE be implemented in shopping malls? I am so sick of wandering around a mall needing to find a single store and having to find and navigate from those directories. If they can hook this up with my cell phone and maybe a Simon Mall app or something, i'd be very happy. "In 50 feet,

yes but i think one of the perks of Spotify, Pandora, etc is that you can have a ton of music without taking up memory. The trade off is a possible subscription cost, but it allows you to save money on the iPhone, or download way more apps or movies. Paying for Spotify to download music sort of seems like the worst

I think Spotify (and iTunes Match)'s usefulness depends on your data plan. Have unlimited data? Go for it! Get a 16gb phone and with the money saved stream your music. I am on the Share Everything plan with my wife, which saves us $20 a month on what Verizon's unlimited data plan used to cost, but all music needs

Christmas for non-christians is like the most boring day of the year- the only things open are the movies and Chinese restaurants.

If you have a sleep schedule set in the energy saver settings, would this override those settings or visa-versa?

Ha... funny that you mention the Yankees and Mets in here as my dad always had this radio to listen to WFAN (Met games) when I dragged him to Yankee Stadium for a Yankee game. When he broke it, he looked all over for it in stores before finally finding it on Amazon. I'm pretty sure it's this radio that showed him

I've also read (I think on here or lifehacker actually) that if you are on OS X or iOS, prices are higher than if you use Windows, especially for things like airline tickets. The reason being if you can afford a luxury like an iPad or Macbook, then you can afford a more expensive plane ticket.

And Copernicus for that matter

You've never tried to use for phone in bed while it is charging? Or walk around a bit while it's plugged in?

If you install Parallels and Windows 7, I'd assume you'd need a virusscan installed in that Windows 7 VM?

think of the good news- it matches the movie perfectly if you try using it on water.

I wish my parents got me this now lol (I'm 28)

I had this problem until I moved my router by just a few feet- I guess there was interference from some of my other components where it was.

This is definitely much better. The one negative I can see is less email is stored on the actual phone than in the native mail app. This means there are more server calls to get earlier emails- that could be an issue when in a place with poor service