
And it'll cost $500 saving you from needing a $10 towel. Woot.

That really is true.. The only exception I have ever seen in NYC is when Russel Brand was filming Arthur in Grand Central, there was a HUGE crowd around him while he posed for photos with people. I walked right by it to catch my train- my only guess are the people who stopped were the tourists.

Kohls has had this for years

You have AT&T in NYC? You're a braver man than I am. While the LTE works quite well, 2 years of dropped calls on my old iPhone 3GS and I will never use AT&T again in this area.

What is the best passive 3dtv right now? My wife hates 3d so I want to be able to get a set where she can wear the 3d to 2d glasses they make for the theaters...

agreed, but to be fair a Wii U costs much less than any Apple computer does. It's this design effort that causes Apple computers to be generally more expensive than other PCs while the Wii U is cheaper than the PS3/XBox (at least when comparing the price when both were new)

Fat Boy Raids the Cookie Factory. I would love this game to be ported to my iPhone. It's so stupid but so much fun. Only game I know where you can kill a baddie by belching soda.

Since when did Dylan's start serving alcoholic drinks? I haven't been there in a few months... I think I need to go back now... I miss their birthday cake ice cream anyway... way better than coldstone

"building your own shouldn't require more than basic high school shop skills"

Two major issues with it for me- traffic data is not nearly detailed enough- google maps is on way more streets, and also there is no way to detour in navigation. if you are stuck in traffic there is no way to say get me off this road.

Yeah, this is not a holodeck, but still pretty cool- why does my college get all the awesome things AFTER I graduate?

I was thinking that also- doesn't it get hot in parts of china, and hell, the Dyson is probably made there anyway, so why not leverage that fact?

I use it for sports all the time- for those weekday afternoon games, i'll put slingplayer on my iPad and watch the game, while on the train ride home when running late, or so I can go out with my wife but still keep up with the score and whats going on in the event.

Think they'll get the iPhone? /s

So, is Tara still single? If so, can I have her number? Please? /s

It's been 21 years and it still gives me chills when Mario beats Bowser in that clown-mobile and the Princess comes out... good memories there...

Apparently no one knows of anything... pretty surprising this doesn't exist considering taking a car to a train station or park and ride is a really common scenario

If it was only 5kms, I'd walk it also, but it's a 45 min walk followed by an hour train and if I miss the train, even by a minute, i'll be 35 mins late to work since I need to wait for the next one.

When going to work and I like sleeping in, but still need to be on time? Yep, every day :-).

Slightly off topic, but is there a mapping app out there that allows you to combine driving and public transit directions?