
true, but wouldn't it make sense from a business standpoint to include access for NFC considering many stores already support this? Ever since Steve Jobs left (RIP), the company is much less willing to take risks and seems to more often go with the business flow. The iPhone 5 may support Bluetooth4 as well, but NFC

Wasn't it kind of obvious that the new iPhone would have NFC considering one of the big new features in iOS 6 is the Passbook which is an obvious competitor to Google Wallet? I didn't realize people didn't assume the new iPhone would have NFC.

I'd start a kickstarter or one of those sites, explain the situation and beg. Couldn't hurt

I have on both.... not often enough to form an opinion, though... they seem to work fine in both, why? And btw, I'm sure that works better in Android since that is a Google Integrated app... not 3rd party

They have had this logo for at least a few months... I was up in the mall in Danbury, CT a few months ago (ironically coming from the Apple Store), and I saw that logo in front of the Microsoft Store, and it took me a second to figure out what the hell this place was.

Yeah... the Apps have more features and are much cleaner in iOS than Android while the Android OS itself has more features than iOS... but the features in iOS are cleaner than the ones in Android. It's a tossup... more features vs cleaner design and more support

Thank god. I switched from iOS to Android last year because they do seem to add new features faster.. but what I found really quickly is that iOS may not have all of the latest features, but everything it has is just.. clean and refined. Android apps can be mess to use and I have found I am using my iPad WAY more

I have a Vornado Zippi (http://www.amazon.com/Vornado-Zippi-Desk-Fan-Black/dp/B000E19MQ8) and it is great- the fins are made of fabric, so it isn't dangerous- I have it between my computer monitors and keyboard so it blows directly at me at all times... and it is whisper quiet.. plus it lasts forever- I have this

Yep, if you move even once, it doesn't matter how far- 1,000 miles or 100 miles- facebook helps so much with keeping up with old friends that you would probably fall out of touch with.

I honestly think it's just a slow hard drive. When I got the computer, I didn't have a network setup that would allow for network drives and so I have 2 hd's in the laptop for 1tb of HD space... unfortunately they are SLOW. And I think that is really affecting startup/saving speeds. My next comp I plan on 256gb SSD

I have used Windows 8 and uninstalled it within a week... when I am using a PC I want to be able to use the keyboard- I am MUCH faster on the keyboard than anything with the mouse, and it feels like that is being taken away. For me now to open a program, I press the windows key, type in the program, and press enter.

The Blackberry Storm. Had it for a week before I realized how terrible it actually was and cut my typing speed down at least 65%... plus because I got it when it first came out, it froze... over and over and over... it was miserable. I sold it on ebay along with my iPod touch and bought an iPhone 3Gs without

So... would it be illegal to shower in that house due to indecent exposure?

I just wish there was something equivalent for droids... i'd love to know that I could sell my year old (in great shape) droid razr maxx for, say, $300, and get the new iPhone for $600... i'm not very comfortable spending $600 for a phone off contract unless I know I could get at least 300 back...

hey I'm not going that far... I'm just saying there's no way we can be friends or close to 200 something people... so if one or two of the people we met at a party this one time or took 12th grade English together 10 years ago, I really don't care so much. I've never had a "real" friend unfriend me on facebook

Honestly, the people who remove me as a friend on Facebook mean so little to me that it's not until months later (if ever) that I realize that the person is not friends with me on there anymore.... and even then I don't really care

What really is needed is an app that consolidates all of these things together. This reminds me of about 8-10 years ago with the IM clients... some friends used AIM, others used MSN Messenger, others used Yahoo.. it was horrible... so what happened? I used NONE of those clients and used Trillian and Meebo instead

No matter how good or bad Windows 8 is, I have a feeling this is going to cause people to move to Apple. For me personally, I have been so frustrated with Windows over the last few years due to the performance, the greater vulnerability to viruses, etcetera. What has kept me on Windows is a comfort level. I'm so

Thanks... If I can request it, please have a feature on how it was tested, as it's really interesting how something with SO many different components is tested that:

So does Verizon- I still lose coverage in Grand Central. But it is SO much better than AT&T and Sprint. I haven't tried T-Mobile yet.