
The landing system that was created really was incredible. How did you go about designing it, and how did you test out the different components? What's the closest to an end-to-end test that you were able to do?

Okay, so I need to ask you directly... what do YOU think of the site redesign and new comment system?

Well technically that wouldn't be possible, because if you were mayor and checked in one more time, unless the person behind you checked in twice while you were in the restaurant, you'd still be mayor.

Yeah but I think an Android is more open to get some kind of malware/virus. I mean, I have AVG running on my Android phone... I don't think twice about that on my iPad. It's one benefit of the closed ecosystem Apple has.

Any chance that an upgraded iMac, Mac Pro, and Mac Mini will be announced (or upgraded silently) as well? Apple always starts these announcements with something small and they haven't been upgraded this year yet....

One other piece of advice... if you are going to any sites that are REALLY sketchy, use an iPad instead... if there are any viruses/malware, it won't be able to do anything on those devices. And that retina display will shine on those kind of websites anyway ;-)

It's Apple- each adapter will cost $12.99

If you want a 15 inch laptop with SSD, it's cheaper to get a rMBP than a regular MBP also. Too bad a 15" MBA isn't available yet.

Can I get this kind of service if I ever lose my phone?

You have no idea how expensive Venice is. And when you are running late for a tour you have scheduled, you eat what you can.

Slightly off topic, but I just came back from Italy... Mcdonalds there charges 20 cents for a SINGLE packet of ketchup (the size of bbq sauce you get with mcnuggets). It's insane.

Does anyone think that the main reason why they added the larger screen is not because of android but because of the LTE chips in the Verizon model, they will need a larger battery to allow the phone to last a decent amount of time?

Keurig is good for things other than coffee... I use it for Hot Chocolate, Apple Cider and stuff like that. And going by the fact that there is a coffee urn right next to the Keurig, I suspect they use the Keurig for the same sorts of things.

Not a browser, but my grandmother tried adding me on LinkedIn... it took me a while to explain why I had to reject her invite on there.

I think once you get used to the new screen, you really don't appreciate how incredibly crazy the difference is. I have an iPad 3, and my fiancee, who doesn't need the screen for her use, got a refurb iPad 2... basically the same as comparing an MBP to an rMBP. It's insane how much better the 3 looks in certain

Hey facebook is how I initially announced my engagement to all my friends. I was in Jamaica and phone calls or texts to everyone would be WAY too expensive... 3 minutes of wifi to go on Facebook is what made sense and everyone knew all at once. Just called the parents after.

Before you spend the money on the iPad, I'd at least save a few hundred for a new iPhone- the 3Gs is still a great phone, but Apple knows how to make older devices feel very obsolete... and I have a feeling that will happen once the new iOS comes out in the fall... Since you probably won't be able to upgrade to it and

I gotta say, if this is ever expanded to regular tv, this will add a whole new dimension to Playboy channel and Friday Night Cinemax...

Some of the reviews are hysterical... someone uses a zip disk for their 8-track recorder??? ha And there's a review in 2012 for that vcr... wow

I have a pot like this which has a colander built in: http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/product.asp?SKU=13995907