
Eh, that fly over is not the same as street view... I use street view all the time on the streets of Manhattan where everything tends to blend together... It's good to know that a store is next to the building with the big blue sign... or something of that detail

Man I am torn... i really need a new computer, and don't really need a $2,000 one.. but I know i'll be keeping the computer for like 4 or 5 years and by year 2 retina will be standard on every macbook pro, and possibly macbook airs... do I pay for more than I need now? Get a regular MBP/MBA? Wait one more year?

Man I am torn... i really need a new computer, and don't really need a $2,000 one.. but I know i'll be keeping the computer for like 4 or 5 years and by year 2 retina will be standard on every macbook pro, and possibly macbook airs... do I pay for more than I need now? Get a regular MBP/MBA? Wait one more year?

I'm assuming it's the latter considering that's the case with the iPad 2 vs iPad 3

Unfortunately by the time that occurs, you won't be a student anymore ... unless you're a college freshman

I am not sure if that is so surprising... the Apple store is down right now, but I have a feeling if I took a 17" MBP, added a 768GB SSD, the most ram available, the best cpu, and every other top of the line feature, it would be around $4,000 also

I'm sorry, whenever I hear the word Saab all I will ever think of is that Seinfeld episode. High five!

Seriously, just get a slow cooker. That's the only kitchen tool I trust leaving on when I am not home... and you have a great dinner when you get home.

I think people can put whatever they'd like on Facebook... if someone doesn't like what they posted, hide their posts from your wall.

Apparently he wasn't texting- he was looking at a text sent to him..

I was picturing it like when there are kids playing catch in the street... someone yells car, the music stops and everyone gets out of the way, then everything resumes.

Dumb question... that looked like a normal street... what if a car came by? If they went to the extent to getting the street closed somehow... that's impressive

Sounds like Obama watched Independence Day... he gave the plant a cold

Yeah, I was just thinking that. I need to figure out a way to do this at work now :-)

Wait... why was someone recording her BEFORE this happened? It's either fake or done by someone really really creepy...

Hey I take a train to work that stops at some insanely rich towns with CEO's and other executives (the Clintons live in one of the towns)... I see many execs on that train with fancy suits and a backpack. Functionally it works better than a briefcase, especially when you have to walk at all.

I think the one I have is better - it's way cheaper, has multiple pockets, including a laptop compartment, and the leather looks nicer. It don't think it's waterproof, but it's big enough and cheap enough that you can buy an umbrella to keep in it :-)

Pick ANY of these... done!

I'm pretty sure "old person smell" is just Bengay, Vicks and the like...

Wouldn't work if you are from say, NY, and live in Chicago wanting to pick up your home town teams sports coverage... Plus reception at least for my local ESPN Radio sucks