
They had to fit and cool the New iPad battery in the next iPhone somehow

Those sun gloves look amazing for when you get in a car baking in the sun and the steering wheel is hot as hell

A Nobel Peace Prize? Do you know how many wars have been fought over the remote control in my house???

Was Mr Met there? He would of completely fit in.. at least, no less than he normally does.

Ive learned to always carry a surge protector when I travel. Solves that problem, plus safer for your stuff when there is surge protection

I had the Ericsson R289 for AT&T... a phone made for texting/internet (nothing changed :-) ). I remember why I got it too... I have awful directions and the first time I took the school bus home, I missed my stop, got off the next one a block or two away... I walked around for about 45 mins before I found myself on a

There is no way Apple would approve it and let it in the App Store

But is it a chocolate chip factory?

How do you go from being a Cincinnati Reds fan (3rd grade) to an Oakland A's fan (6th grade)?? Musta been those moneyball years

NYC sent them over in spite for not winning the Olympic bid

Yeah, but the thing is people do this, I mean, there is a blackmarket of people recording movies from a movie theater and posting it online. It's retarded, but it does happen.

Forget coffee... the worst is beer and soda at ball games where they don't give you a stupid lid... walking in an expensive jersey with a full soda or beer cup, having to navigate around crowds of people, kids running, and so on, then down stairs to your seats, and doing that shuffle down the aisle making sure you

I am kind of curious about how Color handles copyright issues? For example, what is preventing someone from broadcasting their TV with HBO on so people without it can see Game of Thrones or something?

Now playing

There is something worse- those bulk packages you get at Costco/BJs that looks like cardboard, but it is IMPOSSIBLE to tear due to some middle layer of plastic. I HATE that thing!

it would be that if the price didn't have a floor, which doesn't seem to be the case since at the time the article was posted, it was $190. There is no way production costs are anything close to that.

I wonder if the price dynamically changes based on demand or clicks? That's messed up

Where'd you get $190 from? It's close to $300 (!!!)

ah this is making me laugh because my fiancee wears these shirts with "decorative" pockets (whatever that means.. it confuses my male brain), so it is my challenge to of course make it functional by getting something in that pocket... it's sort of like a hockey goal.

right so that would mean this hack wouldn't work for SSD drive versions.