Now playing

Maybe it was a bird strike that caused the stroke!

“Hey [star free agent], you should come play for the Knicks! Sure, we exist permanently in the purgatory between tanking and the No. 6 seed and, sure, the roster is a bizarre mix of very young and VERY old players, mostly the latter. But this is your chance to be a New York basketball legend! You too could one day

apparently not realizing that Oakley could beat Dolan to death on the floor of the Garden without a single Knicks fan thinking less of him for it

It’s been more than 16 months since Tom Brady first placed a “Make America Great Again” hat in his locker and kept

Here’s a good tweet:


And little Wayne Gretzky never forgot that valuable lesson for the rest of his career........And now you know......the rest of the story.

Sent to me by Sean Spicer.

I’d like a gif of the ref pulling out the yellow please.

When the Browns were 0-3 I saw the possibility of a winless season and starting betting on them to lose. Over a three month period, my initial investment of $300 had grown to $304.61 before that crushing Week 16 victory against the Chargers left me penniless.

I am so excited for this to lead to scintillating conversations with my friends about their recent sports gambling exploits. Thankfully that will lead into a quick side conversation around their fantasy football team, and finally we can discuss a bar they went to last weekend that is one of their favorites and has a