
“We can’t go to North Carolina. They’re socially backwards and perverted for their stance on what goes on in the bathroom. Let’s go the Penn State.”

Duke will never make the tourney now without this strong out of conference matchup.

I think if 2016 has taught us anything, it’s that extremely bad hair is not a deterrent to grossly defrauding the public.

This is either a brilliant parody or an undifferentiated take-shaped blob of plasma burning brightly in the dark internet sky. Regardless, well done.

Cant agree with the “better player” thing. More versatile player, maybe. But LBJ’s size/weight advantage allows him to do things that Jordan physically could not do—not by any fault of his, BTW. He was just too short and small to guard the opposing team’s center/PF like Lebron can.

No. Not even close. Jordan, apart from being one of the best scorers in NBA history, is far and away the best defender of the all-time great scorers. He’s up there with the greatest defenders of all time. Rings and records aside, it is Jordan’s defense that sets him apart from all other contenders to that title.

If I had the money to buy Gawker, Biddle would be demoted to janitor and I’d make Burneko chain pizza reviewer for the duration of his employment

I’m all for celebrating and making baseball fun again, this kid just kinda brought it on himself doubling and tripling down on the showboating. At what point is it OK to say this kid’s a jackass who deserves a smack in the mouth?

That’s funny, because it’s sure looked like the Cavs have played small in this series so far.


If they wanted to keep Drake out of the arena, maybe they shouldn’t have named the team the Toronto Rapstars, Tom. Because rap is the style of singing Drake is most known for, and he happens to be one of the biggest Rapstars in what young people refer to as, “the game.” It’s not Drake the Rapstar’s fault that you

I can’t tell if I’m missing a joke or this is the most generic comment of all time.