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For sure. It's only a badass play if there's less than two outs.

I'm with you. Either (a) he realized he didn't have a chance at first, in which case the play is merely heads up, or (b) he did have a chance at the guy at first, in which case, that was a bit of very unnecessary flash.

Wow such great video quality.

Bandits use resources. Gatorade, gels, vaseline, security, the road, police traffic control, sometimes they take a finisher medal. Those pictured are not carrying their own water so they are using cups, water, volunteers time, tables, coolers, rakes from the aid stations. They are reaping the benefits of what

Dude. I really don't have a problem with what these kids did. But there are plenty of regular people with jobs who are able to run a BQ. If you can't run a BQ....RUN ONE OF THE OTHER THOUSAND FUCKING MARATHONS THAT ARE AVAILABLE TO RUN WITHOUT A QUALIFYING TIME.

That's exactly what I said. They would have an atomic bomb. And that it was necessary for them to carry an atomic bomb 26 miles. I see how you got that out of my comment that bandits are going to be considered more of a security risk than in years past. Honestly, your cursing makes you seem a lot more upset about this

I think you have to expand replies. I was about to only make the comment, then expanded replies and noticed the others. That's why I made the stupid joke.

Anti-vax people are assholes. There are a certain percentage of children who cannot get vaccinated because of allergies and various medical issues and thus rely on herd immunity to prevent contracting shit like the mumps and measles. Not only are the anti-vaxers putting their own kids' at risk, they're putting these

It won't make them autistic, and it will prevent them from going around and giving everyone whooping cough.

Haha. They never fail me! I can't wait till next year now!

A thermal tester probably won't spot the difference between an moissanite and a diamond. But moissanite is birefringent.. So any jeweler worthy of their profession should be able to to spot the difference with a loupe or polarized lens.

Tin-foil hat time!!!!!!!!!!!! The GOV'T is out to GET US!!!! GET YO GUNS BABY!!!!

In your day it was called "the weather." Now it's 2014, and we know better. I would encourage you to use whatever language reference you used back in your day to learn the difference between "climate" and "weather".

Is there a special logical fallacy camp where Koch Industries sends its paid shills? False equivalencies don't let you off the hook, Sparky.

I love how you gloss over those "modern industrial standards" like they just appeared out of some rational business decision (hah!) and not decades of bitter fighting on the part of Environmentalists. Modern industrial standards exist because we FORCED businesses to meet them, not because they wanted to.

I was surprised by the number of climate change deniers in the comments, then I realized it was all the same guys.

Thanks Giz... I look forward to the annual bashing of DST.... and you guys deliver... annually. Already looking forward to next year!