
Anyone ever used an aftermarket insurance plan on the iphone before? That sounds like the definition of bad idea to me though. GF went with a Galaxy Nexus which I am finding is nowhere near as intuitive as my SGS2, but she doesnt know any better!

After finding out how apple treated her, it would take her next phone to be a piece of crap to go back. For example I did not know that if you wanted insurance on your iPhone you have to get it through Apple. So they dicked her around until her insurance ran out and then told her well you need a new one and youre no

So Giz, my gf is seriously considering switching from an iPhone to my OS of choice Android after her latest "genius bar" debacle. I had her read the last biased article you guys wrote. Will I miss the Android iPHONE rivalry I have made up between us when she ultimately switches to the Good side or will I like that she

Theres a difference between the controlls needed turing take off and landing and in air maneouvers. Take offs and landings are inherantly more dangerous than straight up cruising. With that said to everyone who thinks that the interference thing was proven wrong, you are wrong. There is evidence that both supports and

ha had to have old circuit box replaced and found out the wires were actually 12/2 so i could but them on 20 amp circuits. I was tripping them all the time it was driving me nuts!!

Deadspin way to use the WORST FREAKING PICTURE TO PROVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. First of all where the refs effed it up was when the play happened, no one blew a whistle, which means that the play continues. The giants grabbed the ball and boom over right? Nope, after the play was over they decided after careful thinking

I just bought an ACER AIO PC. My desktop was on its way out. The reason I bought one was because the monitors are touchscreen (the google earth program is pretty sick) and I wanted a replacement for my desktop. I couldve gotten a laptop but I have one for work and my gf has one. And believe it or not the thing has

Same thing for me. I went to the 32 bit browser and it worked no problem which is annoying!

My house is 60+ years old, still running the original wiring and I just found out that my whole house minus appliances is on 2, 15 amp circuits. I run 2 of these bad boys on the same circuit with no problems. I love them! Also they CAN be plugged into a power strip and still work, however the power strip has to be old

Sounds to me like you are OK with a shoot first (albeit with a tazer) ask questions later attitude. As much as tazers are non-lethal, they can and have been shown to stop hearts, not to mention the kid couldve broken his skull when he fell.

trust me, he knew THAT existed!

me neither. you suck.

For some reason I dont believe this.

I have both Wireless-N and Powerline networking. I signed up for Signature Home on TWC which gives you what they call Moca Networking (the DVRs talk with each other so I can watch what im recording on the other DVR which is cool). I have a 60 year old house and I get a full 200 mbps from the Powerline adapters in just

I live just outside of Albany and have been to a few Kegs and Eggs myself, but have stopped going for a few years (the parades suck and I feel old everywhere I go because well, i am) and where this took place was where all of the frats are located. while you cant say they were all frat jerks, I would bet that a

Penultimate was on the word of the day widget for my EVO a few weeks ago. Definately the wrong usage if this is the last of the shuttle launches. But luckily there is one more I see.

I think he is in buffalo in these pictures. Enough said!

Picture of the brick wall with the heat lamps is probably the upstairs at Soho in downtown Buffalo on Chippewa St. One of the better bars there and where Mr. Kane is from. If I cross my eyes and squint, it brings back memories!