
“She needs to give up that dream like yesterday.”

Nobody in their right mind would let this woman teach students under 18. She needs to give up that dream like yesterday

Anyone in history more overrated than Maya Angelou? what a hack

Wendy is so often wrong but sometimes she hits it bang on. Her take on Madonna dating younger guys is also the smartest thing I've heard anyone say on that subject.

Say what you will about Wendy Williams, but she addressed this the other day on her show. She pointed out that it's highly suspect that mom has come out of the woodwork to parade around TV with her son . . . when mom left her son to be raised by a known drug addict for his entire life.

I could give a shit about the lowered bottoms thing but yeah, the uncanny valley is exactly what wigs me out too. Something about the tilt of her head and the shadows/lighting of her boobs. They look like they've been painted on.

I agree with you except.. The lower torso area is so photoshopped to hell that it looks extra creepy. Well, to me anyway. I can't quite explain it. Like her crotch just stopped or got cut off or something. Like she is going to remove the bottoms and we are all going to discover she has a crotch like a Barbie.

Above and beyond the pose....they really photoshopped Hannah Davis into some crazy uncanny valley. I'm certain she's gorgeous, but that photo up top is seriously wigging me out. I don't know enough about the tool to put my finger on what's wrong (I feel like parts are brighter than they should be? and the skin's been