
He’s NOT a cop if he is 1) off duty or 2) doesn’t identify himself as such. He’s also not a cop if he provokes innocent women IN THE LADIES’ ROOM, or if he escalates a NOTHING situation to the point of screaming and arrests! In those latter cases, certainly, he is NOT a policeman at all... he’s a PIG.

I won’t buy a car without a MT. I have never actually owned a car with an AT, but my wife has, and I hated it. Pleasure is derived from doing something which requires skill and that improves with practice well. For me, shifting skillfully by hand is a joy! Why would I want to give it up? Furthermore, a MT gives a

I intend not to buy any more new cars, since they no longer make anything I want (with a very few exceptions). I have a timeless old truck and a timeless old sports car, both with RWD (or 4WD) and 5-speeds, which I will keep up, and I expect that they’ll both outlast me... The industry is done with me? Well, I’m done

“Now some of these auto-journo types will tell you the reason why the CX-5 was so fun is because it was available with a manual gearbox. What they won’t tell you is that was the least desirable version of the car?” What somebody hasn’t told you I guess is that that was the MOST desirable version of the car, because

You sound like you have an issue with Apple...

No kidding, and you know, if you want to get a reaction from the PTB, threaten their property, i.e. wealth and power. Capitalism is immoral because it advocates maximizing economic inequality, the ultimate form which would be very much like kings and peons and very little else except compradores, i.e. bureaucrats and

“After she had multiple meetings with officials at the school, including the Office for Diversity and Inclusion, the Office of Equity and Access, the Cultural and Community Center and Patricia Perillo—the university’s vice president for student affairs—Virginia Tech took bold steps to do ... well ... absolutely

Bernie Sanders is much closer to what most Americans truly want and need, than E. Warren. Warren is excellent regarding Wall Street bankers, but she leaves a lot to be desired in many other ways (still, I would support her, in limited ways, i.e. for the Senate, but not for the presidency)...

Bernie Sanders is much more consistently a representative of working Americans’ interests, and much closer to what most of us truly want, than EW.

Elizabeth Warren, quite despite her mostly correct positions on Wall Street banking, is nowhere near perfect on many or most other issues. On some of those issues (e.g. the legalization of cannabis springs to mind), she is about as backward as any Trump shill... When it comes to Elizabeth Warren, it pays to look at

No he’s NOT (“the poster boy for white, liberal mediocrity”), he is virtually totally to the left of “white, liberal mediocrity!” You call democratic socialism “liberal mediocrity?” What planet are YOU from?

Democrats need to learn that SYMBOLISM IS EVERYTHING, which is why Nazi swastikas are essentially banned (from public display), and why Confederate flags and Confederate monuments reflecting institutional (or any other kind of) racism SHOULD be banned from display, at least in public.

That’s why if a shopkeeper calls the police, with a complaint that you have ripped them off, and the police come, they arrest you, which might be legitimate, yet if YOU call the police with a complaint that the SHOP has ripped you off, and the police come, guess what? THEY ARREST YOU IN THAT CASE AS WELL! Which is to

“190,000 accounts were slapped with unnecessary fees for these accounts?” No, that’s not it! They were slapped with FALSE, ILLEGAL, CRIMINAL FEES for those false, illegal, criminal accounts! That was 190K independent FELONIOUS CRIMES! Why does the MSM always UNDERSTATE CRIMES BY GIANT CORPORATIONS, commonly by

The stupid “edit” function here DOES NOT WORK!

Quotations above are from CNN Money...

“Wells Fargo (WFC) now says it has found a total of up to 3.5 million potentially fake bank and credit card accounts, up from its earlier tally of approximately 2.1 million. In other words, there are two-thirds more fake accounts than previously realized... About 190,000 accounts were slapped with unnecessary fees for

Pronounce “BMW.” The sound of the first letter rhymes with “bee,” not “bi,” does it not? I think “beemer” may be the correct spelling and pronunciation.

I will never buy a car with an automatic (except for my 13 yo daughter, when she’s 16). To me, shifting a manual is what synchronizes the drive with the car, i.e. what makes the driver a part of driving. “I don’t want no point-and-shoots!” It’s like who would want an automatic driver (golf), even if it got a

I notice that several YouTube presentations say that the 135i is actually appreciating in value, and judging from what I have seen of other hot cars (e.g. the AC/Shelby Cobra and even the less hot 356 Porches), which were available for as little as 4 figures a few years/decades ago, now sell for 6 or 7), that seems