Yaniv Eidelstein

Maher gave M.Y. just enough rope to hang himself. That jerk came off as the hateful little attention whore he is. It was a great episode. I don't buy this "politically irrelevant" angle at all. Maher's show will go on strong long after whatsisface is forgotten.

The Klaus actor's name is Louis, not "Louise". Hasn't he suffered enough?

I think you meant the "architectural critics who *panned* his buildings".

Also Hannibal Buress. You forgot Hannibal Buress.

Did anyone figure out the significance of "El Griego Guiñador", Salamanca's ice cream parlor/meeting spot? Weird name translates as something like "The Greek Indicator". Fakest gringo-sounding business name since "Los Pollos Hermanos".

Re: The meaning of the climactic haircut…
Did you seriously not make the Samson and Delilah connection? Dodd alluded to that story not ten minutes before.

It's "Perez Prado", man.

It's actually much older than half a century (I'm not being petty, you're being petty!)

"The work of Cyrano De Bergerac"? Somebody in your editorial staff needs a slap upside the head. (It's a fictional character, people.)

The tracheotomy recipient isn't a client, he's the proprietor.

Meanwhile, on tumblr…

You know it's M. *Emmet* Walsh, right? You ain't owl simple, boy.

Weltschmerz? I think you meant schadenfreude.