You act as if black people were perfectly fine and dandy after slavery was over, as if lynching, race-based terrorism, the KKK, convict leasing, race-based massacres, and Jim Crow didn't happen in almost every goddamned county in the South.
You act as if black people were perfectly fine and dandy after slavery was over, as if lynching, race-based terrorism, the KKK, convict leasing, race-based massacres, and Jim Crow didn't happen in almost every goddamned county in the South.
"Protecting their way of life." What a euphemism.
For the same reason New Yorkers do not show their pride by celebrating the people that butchered Catholics by the thousands. For the same reason Oklahoma doesn't have parades and flags and celebration of wiping out Indians from whole regions of the state.
I grew up out in the country in Georgia and have dozens of relatives and their friends that still live there that proudly wear confederate battle flags, have bumper stickers or the like - and all of them claim they are "celebrating heritage" and "aren't racist".
"Being proud of your Southern heritage does not mean that you are racist or condone slavery."
How about an image of a southern plantation owner whipping his slaves? Or perhaps a nice image of a lynching? Or maybe, a picture of Robert E. Lee surrendering, like the gutless coward he was.
I'm a Southerner and my family has lived in the same rural area for over 200 years. If there is a symbol to show the pride of being Southern, the confederate flag isn't one of them. Plain and simple. You want to show pride? Feed people who aren't from the South BBQ, have them listen to bluegrass, blues, or country,…
Germans can have national pride too but that doesn't mean they should start putting swastika stickers on their cars. That flag, whether you like it or not, is a symbol of a horrific past for a large chunk of our population.
Much appreciated Paolo. I'm sure this kind of feedback will be gold for the developers, and something which they would not have had access to without Early Access.
What a fabulous article. Seriously. Well done.
This is an excellent article and I agree with you 100%. The state of the US prison system is absolutely disgusting, along with the War on Drugs. It's all about getting more prisoners, because prisoners = money.
The President declined, saying he could not do that.
Oh man, I'm so sorry you had to write this. Did you draw the short straw?
Yeah, US doesn't exist because evil latinos bombed it from the orbit. So USAsians had to build a massive wall to keep evil latinos out. But then the evil latinos brainwashed one of the USAsians with their evil amazonian native latino magic and he helped them to attack other USAsians. It was maybe the most racist game…
I just want to play a FPS that attacked US. So sick of marines against terrorist in some middle eastern/Asian/African territory. Yawn
The good news is, no one plays the Campaign in Battlefield.
Good thing Santa is white, wouldn't want this to escalate anymore than it already did.
While high cholesterol and poor health generally go hand in hand, the idea that high LDL cholesterol specifically impacts your heart health has basically been debunked in recent years. I think this article eludes to that a bit, but it's not quite clear. A better measure of heart health are the triglycerides. Or the…