Unsavory Pun

I’ve been genuinely baffled by the Warriors antipathy. They embody all the things people claim to want from a basketball team. Ball movement, teamwork, creativity, excitement, beauty, an undersized/underdog leader, a superstar willing to subjugate himself for victories, humble role players (well, maybe not Draymond),

Just divorce yourself from hating on the Warriors. Just enjoy what they do. It really can be beautiful ball when they’re clicking. Anytime you tune in you could be witnessing something special.

...the right thing for the Bulls to do...

Such a proud boy.

Drumroll please!

Baseball is profoundly broken when a 26 year old Manny Machado doesn’t even receive an offer by January 10th, from a team with all the money in the world, and a clear use for a player younger than Aaron Judge who has already put up a 33.8 bWAR.

I was under the impression that we are how god plays video games.

Credit does have to be given to them for drawing a line in the sand that they can’t cross without making themselves a national embarrassment. They actually seemed to have learned a lesson from last year and are making Trump own the negative consequences of this shutdown.

They should have delayed it and put fact checking comments at the bottom of the feed.

It’s what he ‘does’ best

I think his only way out is to declare a national emergency, knowing it will go to court (where he will lose) and he can then blame it on someone else.

So the piles of known evidence, the massive conflicts of interest, and the painfully long list of ethical failures of the administration aren’t enough yet? The racism, the allegations of sexual assault, the campaign finance violations, etc. etc., that’s not enough yet?

There are already plenty of impeachable offenses independent of the Mueller probe (which is just determined by what the current House thinks is “high crimes and misdemeanors”). You’re just participating in the same goal post moving that everyone focused on “civility” and “norms” is.

After that, Scott cleaned out the EPA building’s furniture, light fixtures, light bulbs, carpeting, office supplies, and any other damn thing that wasn’t nailed down.

geez why even be like that. stale american take. tougher sport than you seem to realize. a red card would have been ridiculous youre right about that. the calls have been fairly open lot of contact allowed playing around the ball. theyre not calling a basketball game or anything, and theyre not likely to end up a

Now that’s getting caught in a pickle.

Kerr/Popp 2020

Au contraire, I’m thinking not enough people have seen that.

This checks out.