
For the record it took about 200 people bringing that photo to Twitter’s attention to get him banned. His feed was a combination of anti-semitism, misogynistic rants and anti immigration philosophies right out of the David Duke playbook. Twitter’s standards are pretty much bullshit if Trump and his son haven’t been

I cry too when I get to “I will kill you and eat your liver”, level angry. I cry because I know that I can’t put hands on them, and the anger comes out by crying.

With his fake ass profile picture.

Where did you see me say anything about hating Applebee’s? Where did you see me say anything about boycotting etc? Nowhere in the article did I say any of that, so what are you talking about?

Cops do not apologize to women. They rape them in the back of their cop cars and then claim “consent.

Thank you. We can’t even feel any emotion. Jesus.

Asia was crying because Black People can be assaulted, arrested and killed over some bland ass Applebee’s chicken.

“but Asia didn’t help the situation at all.”

So now black women can’t cry when being falsely accused and embarrassed? She did nothing wrong and is allowed to be frustrated and express all her emotions. Not everyone has a knee jerk rage reaction.

Officer role reversal should be fired, yeah. Mocking them. Ugly bastard.

What utter bullshit. She has been investigated a million times (for nothing). If you sat out voting or voted for Trump because you’re a misogynist or easily led, that’s on you.

“Let’s do some role reversal.”

The video is very upsetting. I was almost in tears hearing Ms. Brison’s friend sob and being mocked by the cops when if she were a white woman the cop would be on his knees trying to comfort her.

The comedian cop needs to be fired.

Seriously it’s blatant racism and I hope she gets doxxed. As IF she’d misidentify two white girls and whether the dashers were white black male or female you can’t bring criminal charges unless you catch them in the act or on clear camera, which this was not, and therefore she did not need the police. I’m glad she and

This story actually broke my heart....

“Let’s do a little role reversal here,” the officer says. “Put yourself in my shoes. What would you do?”

This same author wrote about how great the movie is. It doesn’t mean he can’t be disappointed that, in the 20-something big budget super-hero movies that have come out since X-Men 1 there have been zero openly gay characters. Its not about *this* movie. It’s a bigger conversation. If it bothers you, don’t join in.

This is not ignorance this is what deregulation looks like. Companies led by a bigot can discriminate and know they won’t be punished. People on PrEP are living longer and companies don’t want to pay for their treatment and if they get to crap on homosexuals all the better for them. This is criminally irresponsible