
The 14 year olds who’ve been kept in the training dungeon since birth and are living out the fantasies of creeptastic middle age male “coaches” are hard to watch. This shit is refreshing.

As a white woman, I am always hesitant to comment on black women’s hair, but I love natural, kinky hair. I think it looks so happy, all springy and alive. A young black woman worked in the library with me one year, and she had the best hair. It was huge, and kinky, and joyful. I loved it. She even let me glitter it

One, Brando had good taste. Two, it’s weird that any of the families would even bother to respond, let alone deny this happened. Brando, Baldwin and Pryor were all open about their bisexuality. I wasn’t surprised by any of the names Jones mentioned. I can imagine all of these men having sex. Possibly all four of them

I don’t really get what the big deal is. Compared to some of the rumors/well-known things in both Brando and Pryor’s histories, an age-appropriate coupling with a consenting adult seems pretty tame.

I’ve had the same thoughts about all of this. I needed a nail file at my parent’s house recently and spied viagara in the bathroom drawer and it was way more information than I ever wanted about my parents sex life.

Tbh, if I found out my dad had sex with Richard Pryor that would seriously have upped his cool factor.

How do Brando and Pryor not see the blatant anti-queer nature of their remarks. If Q had said one of them banged, I don’t know, Farrah Faucet, I doubt any one’s children are saying a damn thing.

Yeah, p much all this. Who cares if your dad slept with men? Saying that sleeping with men is somehow detrimental to his image is really anti-queer, 100000000%.

It only becomes truly spectacular if the courier flew private rather than commercial. Knowing the Snake Queen, though, I suspect that this is exactly what happened.

On the one hand, I get it, it’s your art, you want it released in a certain time frame. On the other hand, flying a person with an ipad to San Francisco and back to play one song, seems like a real waste of resources.

Well they have the same voter base so maybe she could run in 2020.

And it’s not even 10.

I dated a Romanian woman who grew up under Soviet rule and it was interesting for a while but the nihilism, cynicism, and unrelenting intensity about everything just wore me out. I now have a Russian neighbor, who is very nice, but same thing. She chain smokes in her driveway and I will say “dasvidaniya” as I go in my

Legal or not, most people have common sense to realize nazis are a bad thing. Most of the rest of that labels you an asshole.

That must be the new marching order from Brietbart.

You know you are talking to a knucklehead when they try to make “Antifa” a thing.

Too often they are one and the same.