
What is wrong with making someone feel guilty for having ignorant and bigoted views, exactly?

Your account is full of comments defending racists, sexists and anti-LGTB fascists. You aren’t fooling anyone.

Fuck you fascist bootlicker.

I could care less clueless internet commenters and their opinions. However, people are allowed to love whomever they want. If someone is comfortable being gay, why does the right shun these people? Why does the right make people feel guilty because they are comfortable being gay? I never understood the logic that

Pence trying to write off his (still very real) support for conversion therapy as “years ago” is just another step down the path of Republicans trying to flush their past record down the memory hole where convenient.

So would the VP.

Let us just get this out of the way, the sexuality of Mike Pence is not important. Who cares what his sexuality is? What is important is that he has a valid policy stance to hurt and endanger the lives of LGBTQ people regardless of how he feels satisfied behind closed doors. Mike Pence articles always turn into these

Because some Black men and women tie a sexuality to how other Black men should act. Those who toss around the words “Gay Agenda,” Pussification,” and “Soft” are the first to be offended by any Black man who exists outside of a carefully curated definition of a straight Black man.

Why is this so hard to believe for you?  

I’ve always respected Hurley... now even more so. Professional sports are woefully lacking in role models for the LBGTQ community. I hope this helps people come to grips with whatever they are facing.

In my opinion, its folks’ senses of homophobia that is making them deny it.

She’s an escort for billionaire dubai dudes. Sounds crazy but its really not. Its a well known “business” out there.

<cough> escort<cough>

Oh, I’m aware of the rumors. All the more reason to ask about her time there.

And while we’re on the subject of Dubai, why didn’t W (or Wendy, for that matter) try to get to the bottom of what she’s been doing there?