
Let’s see if I can figure it out. Blogger makes a thin and very stretched argument that Swift’s song is somehow a dog whistle to the alt-right. She’s probably wrong about that, but nonetheless, Swift’s lawyer, worried about bad PR, sends a stupid letter that tries to intimidate but only backfires and gives publicity

“And woe betide anyone who does not buy into that.”

I’m conflicted. One one hand, that was the coolest shit I’ve ever seen. On the other, those players kneeling during a foofy pregame ritual was deeply upsetting.

The answers to your questions are quite simple:

I’m responding to someone talking about the last two World Series in a historical context. I’m pretty sure history, and a knowledge of it, is pretty important in that discussion and I don’t think you really need to have seen Larsen’s game to understand what a Perfect game in game 5 of a tied World Series means.

Baseball is good.

“Why does the boos need to sink in?”

This was not anomalous.

But, the education that kid will receive-

I am high on baseball and this is amazing:

My god, I freaked when Seager botched the double play in the 7th. “Not again, not like this...”

Damn near cried tonight. I know they still need to lock down 2 more wins, but this was the biggest hit of my Dodgers fandom (I was 2 in 1988). To finally have a playoff highlight in at least the LCS that I can cling to and remember, that sure felt good after annual heartbreak or 0-2/1-1 deficits (1-1 is a deficit in

He didn’t say shit about grit. He is however, talking about the powers that be that put Bruce and Gulati in charge, he’s calling out their fucking bosses. The power systems of “pay to play” development and MLS that have failed to produce a quality team and put in place morons like Gulati and Arena.

My feelings about Westworld is that it has potential. The first season established the characters. The next season will either make it or break it.

He gave a beautiful, nuanced performance and fuck it, so did Thandie Newton - WHOSE NAME THEY MISSPELLED WHEN THEY SHOWED HER IN HER CATEGORY.

Was she the perfect candidate? Absolutely not. Hell no. Terribly flawed.

Bucknor should know that umpiring while in the middle of an existential crisis is never a good thing. “I mean, really. Strike, ball...who fucking cares, man? None of this means anything, anyway. See? Right while Werth was at-bat, a thousand stars died, and another thousand were born. I dunno, man....sometimes you just

Oh, that makes the hilariously obviously missed call much better!

I dunno some of the celebrating penalties certainly seem like a Black and White issue