
We all knew this 30+ years ago.

This wasn't common knowledge? 

What a load of bullshit

It looks like a vulva, not just a clitoris. It also very clearly is cloth and not a real vulva. 

I thought this was going to be about Letterman being a dick, but I stead 8ts just a celebrity"s bruised ego. 

As someone who also periodically thinks about Monica Bellucci and grabs snacks, I feel seen.

they had this pyramid of 26 beautiful, intelligent women standing there just staring at me like I was a piece of meat.

Sigh.... another clickbait headline. I feel cheated.

why cause they got a early report from a local affiliate that was wrong and then actually made a correction to the story? that actually seems like responsible journalism and more then CNN or MSNBC has done with any of their fake stories over that last what 6 years... Nicolas Sandman, Jussie Smolet, Rusiagate, Steele

The fuck does this have to do with gadgets or technology?

Yeah but Aliens and Predator aren’t over-the-top, or dumb. They just rule, and happen to have tons of action.

Yeah, people unfamiliar with the shit he pulled in the parks to boost $$$ are going to be flabbergasted by what happens in the movies over the next decade. 

“New” Bob kind of sucks.  I’m starting to see him as a Michael Eisner 2.0.  Not Eisner during the early - mid 90's when he actually invested in animation and the parks.  I’m talking the early 2000's Eisner when he fired all of the US (especially Florida) based animators and offshored them making crappy direct-to-video

Disney is made for children’s consumption,

No no, it goes like this “Could he have less of a jawline?”

Here’s a great question - who the hell cares about what Matthew Perry has to say about anything? I honestly couldn’t give a shit to hear about his addiction, his days on Friends, his opinions on Dolph Lundgren or anything else. Why is this washed up addict relevant? Dude has NO jawline. 

Could Matthew Perry be anymore of an asshole?

I lived and worked in the oil field for many years while employed by producers and consultants. Producers, especially independent producers, are extremely sensitive to gov’t policy and their costs. Anything unfavorable to them causes lowered production immediately. Thus, the instant price increases with the change of

Exactly what I was thinking. Getting “clicks” and “views” is all that matters.

Fear mongering at its finest.