
The Kavanaugh allegations are pure cynical politics deserving of zero attention. The Democrats pulled this out of their butts as a last ditch smear against a thoroughly boring nominee.

Will David take it to Moab next year?

It’s about knowing what the words you’re saying mean. If you’re going to write an article about guns, google the gun stuff. I don’t know anything about cars, if I for some reason had to write an article about them I wouldn’t go “What’s that bit? I bet it’s a carburetor, I’ll just write that”, because the finished

Guns are clearly much more like Erector Sets.

I don’t know much about guns. But if you’re going to talk about guns, you should probably know the basics about guns, because otherwise you look like an idiot. Same as if they wrote an article about a celebrity who started a dog fighting ring, but they didn’t know the difference between a pit bull and a chihuahua.

As always, “assault weapon” is a term that applies largely to cosmetic details and is nearly meaningless, while “assault rifle” is a term with a clearly defined meaning, but also a product I find it very hard to believe he’s selling, because those things are incredibly expensive and very tightly regulated. 

Au contraire, mon cher. Idiocy is not intimidated by your mere racial boundaries.

That’s actually great info. I like to do my own basic work like brakes/rotors and suspension, and additional electronic features in that area sound like a pain in the ass

A caveat, albeit a small one: It’s a pain in the ass to change rear brake pads on a car with an electronic parking brake, you usually need to do it with a diagnostic tool otherwise you can’t push the piston in.

Would prefer they kill off the damn foot operated parking/emergency brakes instead, my ankle can’t always articulate that way.

Frank Oz has also weighed in on it,  tweeted for a couple hours.

Move out of the way meteorologist and give this to those who really understand transport phenomena and thermodynamics. That would be chemical engineers. We should be having chemical engineering month, goddamnit.

So you want a new classification system since the experts expected a Cat 4-5 hurricane at landfall and it was actually a 1? Change the classification system to help them advance their narrative with ease.

Up next on the chopping block. Male/female plug definitions!

Number three. Really? Name me how. Name me how Trump has been any less than the opposite of what people were worried about. Unless you’re going to say “Tweeting” (a president’s most important job is to look good, right, and fuck all the rest?), he has been at least remarkably effective in presiding over an America

So he would have been better off keeping the $2 billion and doing nothing with it?  I mean there are plenty of appropriate grievances to be aired towards Bezos.  Be better Hamno.  This is fucking weaksauce.  

Yes, But in terms of sheer numbers,  Global capitalism takes the cake,  with approximately 100 million people being pulled out of poverty every year .  No small feat.

Fact...Global capitalism, the free market, has pulled more people out of poverty worldwide than any other system in human history, by multiple levels of magnitude.

This site sucks.

Thank you!!! Been trying to push this in the comments section too. Make fun of Trump all you want (I always do)...but he’s never lost a $115M court case to a washed up wrestler over a sex tape....hard to claim any moral high ground if you’re Gawker.