
or so... :D

Could be, but 2 total minutes of cooking seems too short.

Add the fish sauce, stir again, and cook for another <???> minutes.

No, Dumb isn’t learning. Making mistakes is learning. If you do something dumb, that means that you knew exactly what you were doing and knew better, but still chose the dumb option.  I don’t think you’re grasping this point.  Dumb is a poor decision, when experience tells otherwise.

“She’s going to be scary”

Doing dumb things and making mistakes are mutually exclusive. Dumb things are done intentionally despite intelligence telling us otherwise.  Mistakes and failure are not intentional. No kid goes out intentionally to fail.  They will intentionally do dumb things however.

And some stainless steel cable to extend to further away points.  I got with two points on the house and one on a tree.  You can also add in an extension spring if the tree is going to sway.

I just say, “Don’t be dumb.” We all know what that means and so do they.

I haven’t lost one in 24 years.  I’m not sure why people have such a hard time.  Always put all of your sockets in the exact same spot, or use a magnetic tray.

I’m more apt to remove any other ingredient first.  All sandwiches are a subset of the cheese sandwich in my book.

I’m the same exact way. I’m also 100% not allergic to walnuts. I was tested, and had no reaction to walnuts. I found that I am allergic to almonds, which i eat every day with no issue. Apparently, you can be allergic to almonds, but not react in any way.

Xyzal is the only thing that makes be survive in buffalo for 3 months of the year.

I worked with molecular sieve for separating oxygen from air. It’s quite amazing stuff. The only reason that I can think of why this might not be used is the weight of the zeolite. That might have reduced the range enough to make it not worthwhile. Water can also foul it.

Nuclear power and hydrogen is the greenest solution out there.  When demand drops, excess power can go into hydrogen generation.  Green batteries are a myth.

Wouldn’t this just be a liquid orange marmalade?

I agree with everything here except the van. If you got your license in the early 90's, chances are that you drove a crappy station wagon, dodge caravan, or ford tempo.  None of us ever want to be in those pieces of crap again, no matter how you dress up that van or station wagon.

I planted two apple trees 14 years ago. I now get about 20 gallons of apples every fall and likely will for the rest of my life. $30 for a lifetime supply is pretty decent. The same goes for blueberries, rhubarb, blackberries, and raspberries.

Right? You look at the ingredients for Krusteaz and I don’t really want to eat that. I like knowing exactly what’s in my food. The goal of a mix is to create something that has a semblance of the original, but made in a shelf stable way that is as cheap as possible to produce.

Then again, this isn’t a cooking site, it’s the takeout.  I doubt there’s very many cooks here that have the staples.