
Counterpoint.  I don’t want to have my phone with me to change what I’m watching.  I don’t want a phone in my bedroom.  I don’t want to rely on a phone.  Besides, every single phone app for remote control of a device lags, by nature.  It’s a horrible experience.

The best way to prepare for it is when you first go to get a degree.  Make sure it will make you employable and be able to pay your loans back.  If 10% of your projected salary over 10 years doesn’t cover your loan, then you should rethink borrowing money to get that degree.  

You wont.  There’s no reason for you to know.

That main pic is straight up trash.  It looks like it’s about to fall apart.

Well the trash here certainly exposed themselves.

I taught for a semester at ITT Tech. They were paying $25k for a two year degree, when you could get a real 4 year engineering degree for $20k, 3 miles down the road at a real accredited state university.  I wasn’t allowed to fail any students that never showed up once, so they were essentially buying a degree.  After

If 10% of your post graduation earnings over 10 years can’t pay for your degree, then yes, you got a worthless degree. Or you just paid way too much for it.

This does not work in pancakes, at all.  Fresh or GTFO.

200k at age 60?  That won’t last long at all. I’m shooting for at least 10x that.


I went with a Camp Chef.  Everything that I cook in it turns out amazing.

Take that iron oxide and mix it with aluminum powder and then use it as thermite.  Get the iron back and sell off the Al2O3.

All of this and then some.

Read the title and thought, this has got to be a Claire article...

I was asked for mine in my first job in engineering. I also had to produce a copy of my diploma.  After that though, they just assumed that I had all of the degrees listed on my resume.  GPA is only needed for your first job out of school.

Can Cuomo be charged for the thousands of nursing home deaths?

Because progressive politicians can’t be evil? Wake up.

Unfortunately, they’re no Semi-aquatic, egg-laying mammals of action.

Hopefully this means that Pikmin 4 is coming soon.

can they pull the plug on telling me to register to vote?