
If they’re thinking about potential guest spots for the Punisher, I think we all know what upcoming teen drama he should show up in:

That Moana Trailer is not in Spanish. It’s Portuguese. And it’s for Brazil.

I thought Gawker shut down.


“Quick, we need to write an article about a celebrity breakup and post it to a tech site even though it has nothing to do with the nature of the site!”

And Roger Rees! Roger Rees as Nottingham is wonderful.

Holy shit, they raise the dead now?

Robin Hood: Origins is a terrible title for a movie. I hope they change it. Or fire the idiot who came up with it.

“It really is the story of how a city goes from being okay to just being an absolute mess”

"Yeah, fuck this. I'm out."—Batman, seeing the world Gotham has built.

My reaction exactly.

That said...there is only one Will Scarlet that matters...

There is only one Robin Hood movie that matters

Oh god...

So either Dani splits up from the Greyjoy fleet, taking her dragons with her, or Euron has some countermeasure to the dragons. Otherwise, it is hard to see how any fleet would be a threat to Dani’s. A big fire is pretty much the worst thing that can happen to a sailing ship other than a giant hole in the hull or

Olenna already killed one of ‘em!

Those posters....

“Are you real?”
“Well if you can’t tell, does it matter?”

If you need a two-line summary of the Turing Test, that’s a pretty good one right there.