
Hadn’t seen Leto’s Joker in profile before. I have difficulty imagining the Joker as the kind of person to wear a diamond stud earring. May well have missed it, but I don’t recall Joker ever having pierced ears.

I had a similar response of, “that show is still on?” No hate or anything, just genuine wonder.

Sleepy Hollow probably should have been cancelled. I’m not sure who’ll be watching it. Every time I see anything related to the new season, I just roll my eyes. So lame.

I am still obscenely pissed about Abbie. I mean, we get to keep Jenny, which is great. But the Mills Sisters & Crane made for the best chemistry of any trio on tv. By far. And what did Fox do for seasons 2 & 3? separate them to go spend time with people we didn't give 2 fucks about.

You mean you’re so tired of that shitty Jared Leto look?

That’s probably because it’s terrible.

I tried to watch Gotham, couldn’t get in it at all

I’d totally be watching her... if she wasn’t on Gotham.

We all had the same hallucination because we couldn’t believe Fox was crazy enough to renew. I mean I think Tom Mison should be constantly working. But clearly in something else...

Broken clock, etc. etc.

Hnnnnnngh I am so tired of seeing the Joker in all the Suicide Squad promos.

“Every generation believes it invented sex.”

No, no. You are right. She's creepy as fuck.

If true, then you’re right. I thought woman at first, then sped through the video. Around 2:45 she seemed to turn into a nerdy dude and kinda stayed that way. Maybe it was just that her voice got a bit throaty ...

10X creepier than the software is the dude’s voice/commentary.

But only skinny boys girls and chubby boys. ftfy.

Nope, the weight range alone would allow for muscular kids. The waist size at that height means Bay is looking to make fat kid jokes.

I knew Michael Bay liked young girls. had no idea he was into young boys. I guess the depths of his depravity knows no bounds.

The movie put out a rather disturbing casting call for young boys to serve as extras, but only for ones with specific waist sizes.

It’s neither. It’s marketing. Companies like Gillette and Schick that had only sold razors to white collar males wanted to expand their market and sell more razors, so they created ad campaigns targeted to women and successfully manipulated societal norms.