
Look, honest question: Do you think that 4chan and 8ch trolls prefer that you ignore their memes, or write 1000-word think pieces on them?

I hate you. Have a star.

“The action-packed tale of ‘Mega’ Manfred Jones (Mark Wahlberg), a no-nonsense cop with a chip on his shoulder and a heart of gold. One day, when Manfred loses his hand in a drug bust gone south, he’s enlisted in a secret government program to blend ballistics with prosthetics, headed by Cal ‘Light’ Toren (Jonah

“I have some quibbles with Rowling’s world building—how does magic work, exactly?”

Cue comments from “fans” who will shout this still isn’t enough and how they deserve being hounded off the internet for being responsible for EAs DLC strategy (a strategy that has existed since Sims first came out but is now The Worst Thing EverTM) and that “these features should’ve been in from the start” (again,

Yes, but let’s not immediately shit on what seems like a pretty decent idea that might actually save lives.  For once.

Meanwhile, inside the patrol car...

To be fair, Moving 2018 is vastly improved from Moving 1848. You can still find a backwards compatible version of it, I think it’s called “Oregon Trail.”

It was a joke.

Japanese station run by Japanese people airs CG of Japanese man doing Street Fighter moves...

That first video just perpetuates the stereotype that all Japanese people are Street Fighter characters.

Let me ask my wife to jump up and down for me. Will report back.

Breasts should be hard and immobile, you know, like two bags of sand, just like God intended!

Except you would be wrong, you intentionally ignored the reason why fans are upset and dismiss their grievances. typical dismissive SJW attitude. 

Lots of pushback from people who’ve been conditioned to view and respond to things only in cartoonish extremes, but I agree.

Oh great, propaganda on Kotaku again. Just what we didn’t really need or want.

You know what fueled the “Anti-SJW” MovementThe “SJW’s”did.

Thought this was going to go in a completely different direction given the debt collection thing.

Lets pretend the entrepreneur is the villain.