oh yeah

I don’t know maybe the new firm will have an initial bump but go well in the long run. Molly isn’t nearly as aloof as Issa when it comes to her career, and her therapy sessions seem to always be about work — so I’m expecting some sort of a moment of clarity on how to navigate this new firm

I’m actually confused by all the Daniel hate. I’ve been reading tweets about him exhibiting “toxic masculinity” but people who show a lot of compassion towards Issa. Issa and Daniel are not that different. 

I have not understood people being Team Danielle. I don’t dislike him, but I don’t see how/why anyone was rooting for him and Issa.

I will never understand how anyone black or white will eat potato salad it just looks gross as fuck.

I need you to leave uggs out of this. They are ugly as sin, but feel like heaven on the feet. #uggsforlife #willfuckwithuggsoniftheroomscold

Did you really think anything about this motherfucker would ever not be weird?

Given the teacher’s response, I doubt this teacher is in the right.

there is no down vote option on here so I just wanted to write how much I dislike this comment


Who the fuck is Jeff Buckley?

Not a single one of them has an adult face, either. It’s weird.

And Ivanka spent a lot of money to be white America’s version of beautiful.

Tiffany and Baron look like they might be OK-looking but... mostly angles and Trump going above his looks weight class with their mothers

The evil inside is so great it starts manifesting externally, physically. It’s why all those GOP whites look like ghouls and golems living off borrowed time.

Not for nothing, but the Trump family is REMARKABLY ugly. Like, there is no one pretty among them. It’s staggering. Usually even ugly people have one average looking child.

He just takes after his father’s side of the family…

I married a corny guy and I hope my daughter does too.

Umm read the article fool.