
Windows 8 is fine. Get one of the free start button/desktop by default add ons for now, and Windows 8.1 is finally adding it in. If you do that, runs just like Windows 7 but much faster start time and DirectX11. A no brainer (if it comes on a new PC, or can get Windows 8 for cheap/free, don't run out and buy it).

Unless there is something that's being highly misinterpreted here, you can still choose what batteries you want to use. No pretending there mate.

The hardware was Nintendo's gamble. The rest of the industry is not compelled to follow them.

I stopped reading when you said that they just declined to comment. That was clearly not the case. I don't want to defend Beer here, since I think that when you're on fucking gametrailers, you've got a rep to uphold, but this was not a case of just saying no comment.

This is shown at the beginning of every one of his episodes.

It wasn't Marcus that asked for the interview it was Game Informer and to my knowledge Fish's reply was a little more condescending than just a couple of elipses.

See also: Phil Fish's utter disdain for customers.

Here's the thing - there's a longtime saying that "it takes two to tango."

I don't understand why people can't play what they like without shitting on games they don't. Is this some sort of meta?