Yes, these car prices are attractive in the same way that old private jets at $100K look good.
Yes, these car prices are attractive in the same way that old private jets at $100K look good.
Actually that’s a great point, if you’re being chauffeured, then range really isn’t an issue IF the geography and time works out. IF your stops are long enough, IF there are enough chargers nearby, IF the distance to/from the chargers and your stops don’t take too much time to visit.
Yeah, the converse of that is “hey, spend an extra 30-60 minutes on the road every day for the company’s benefit rather than getting home earlier. It’s only an extra 30 hours of your life every month”. Because you know he’s not going to say do less stops, it’s going to be “add in a couple charging breaks”.
Out and about during a traveling business day, you usually have tightly spaced appointments. There’s often barely time to eat, hit the restroom, and do a quick gasoline fill up. With potentially two or more 30 minute supercharging stops, you’re either visiting less locations or getting home late every night.