Here's something stupid I made in honor of Youtube Comment of the Year All Years
Here's something stupid I made in honor of Youtube Comment of the Year All Years
As a guy who goes out of his way for weird, obscure VSTs, Windows is the OS of choice mostly because a lot of the super obscure stuff doesn't have a mac version
Whoops, this was supposed to be a reply to nicp1112.
I no longer have any idea what's going on.
Oh whoops. This was supposed to be a response to nicp1112.
Manually installed mods always worked this way but NOT Steam Workshop mods. Just a little clarification.
Holy Jeebus, you're right! It's like I'm seeing the work of the Floridian Paul Robertson!
nope. how 3d is filmed is with 2 separate cameras filming at 24 frames each. If there were 12 frames for each'd still look like 12 frames. So a regular 3d movie is actually filmed with a total of 48 fps and so the hobbit will be filmed for a total of... NINETY SIX FRAMES.
Go bother bandcamp about it. Or don't, cause because Bandcamp directly pays artists and the big selling point of bandcamp to artists is how freaking simple it is to open an account and sell music, there pretty much will never be a non-paypal option. HOWEVER, you can totally buy stuff with your credit card on the…
Except that many devs and users like me hate GNU for the philosophy it implies plus the inconvenience it brings when build products on top of existing software and that there's lots of Linux software that isn't licensed under GNU. You semantics people are starting to really bug me.
Come on, we all know we'd do exactly that if we weren't poor as hell.
Oh no, I've been caught. I'm a big pussy. A big big big pussy for liking things for girls.
THAT... is not what being a hipster means. You're most likely a hipster too, especially since...
California uses "F" too. I've actually never encountered a school that uses "E".
Hey, you're not alone.
People bought the game because they thought after a few disastrous launch days with Starcraft 2 and World of Warcraft that Blizzard finally learned and that their infrastructure was strong enough to handle millions of people.
You know what? THQ has actually done this before. It's called de Blob. It was a freeware PC turned award winning Wii game. No one complained about that.
You know what's funny? You can actually go to your steam folder and play isaac without steam even running! Zing!
Oh shit, OH SHIT you're right. He did say "your". And yet that still doesn't imply that anyone's BAD for liking it.