
Finally! In the movie, he winds up in a nunchuck fight with Black Dynamite in the climax. In the animated series, one episode starts with him practicing martial arts in the Oval Office, only to be stymied on a cardboard cutout of Black Dynamite. Then he screams, "DAMN! DAMN! DAAAAAAMN!!!" Yeah, like that. Oh, and he

Anybody else tired of Godfrey? The Glenn Beck expy from Ben 10: Ultimate Alien didn't annoy me as much as this guy. I know . . . Canon Godfrey (as well as Smallville Godfrey) served evil forces in the past . . . but even if he's like JLU/"Eclipsed" Godfrey, I'm rooting for somebody — ANYBODY — to put a boot up his

What's the second? And yes, I can see her on Archer. Or Archer on her. Or anybody on her . . . it's a big ol' orgy over there.

At the risk of being politically incorrect, I think 30 Rock might end with Liz killing the entire cast — main, supporting, teritary — before turning the gun on herself. Then again, I thought Robert would do that in the Everbody Loves Raymond finale, and I was glad to be wrong.

Barry as Buffy Big Bad? No. Barry as Bond villain? No. Barry as Killface? I can live with that. Crossing Adam Reed's shows would be nice . . . actually wound up commissioning this sketch back in 2011. I can dream, right?

What was the website for "Wheels Ontario"? I wanted to see if it led back to the page, but I didn't remember the URL correctly. Also, I'm guessing Canadian kiddie soap operas like Degrassi aren't 110 percent Canadian stereotypes, eh?

I would put money on Chase being a part of a counter-conspiracy, with him and a precious few making the actors' lives hell. Not a lot of money, mind you . . . it would be like putting $50 on the Jets to win the Super Bowl, and seeing if they can surprise me* Even though JSS hasn't been on in forever (at least in

No mention on how Captain Marvel's maneuver — first done on Superman in Kingdom Come — didn't work out? Apparently, the lightning bolt surrounds Cap/Billy no matter what, as opposed to flash-frying the opponent. I did like Billy realizing how boned he was afterward.

This should get covered by AV Club. It's on Tuesdays . . . so the waits for the 'roid freaks to finish their crap are a thing of the past. Really, Spike put a kickass show like JSS2 at 11 p.m. Oi.

If it's wrong to like the McRib, I don't wish to be right. Not like I'd buy ten, stack 'em and wolf 'em down . . . I just want one before it goes away again.

What about Batgirl speculating about how Joker may have finally reformed? Batman responds by breaking an expensive looking piece of quipment in two with his hands. Batgirl: "Right, I'll call Dick." That was from this episode, right?

My bad, Mr. Greene. I'd reply to your post, but I can't seem to do that.

I think the story was listed in Radio Times as "The Ambassadors," and "Of Death" was the twist.

Got the DVD from the library. I can see how this story would be seen as the weak link of Pertwee's original season, but it's more fun than "Doctor Who & The Silurians" (hey, an entire species got killed!) and "Inferno" (hey, an evil parallel Earth got killed!)

While I think that Matt Stone and Trey Parker's output can wipe the floor with Seth's . . . it must be awesome to have Patrick Stewart on speed-dial.

While I think that Matt Stone and Trey Parker's output can wipe the floor with Seth's . . . it must be awesome to have Patrick Stewart on speed-dial.

To answer Probst's question: the men kowtowing to Colton Cumbie — or "The Boy Queen Of Samoa," as I like calling him — was the dumbest move ever made on Survivor. Not only did it show grown men catering to a full-on temper tantrum, I'm convinced the women — their tribe reeling their loss in the Immunity Challenge —

To answer Probst's question: the men kowtowing to Colton Cumbie — or "The Boy Queen Of Samoa," as I like calling him — was the dumbest move ever made on Survivor. Not only did it show grown men catering to a full-on temper tantrum, I'm convinced the women — their tribe reeling their loss in the Immunity Challenge —

At the lab, three of the Observers popped in. A second later, the elevator opened up, and Loyality security guards came out. I know that's not as funny as Walter's trip to Monty Python World, but I had a good laugh anyway.

At the lab, three of the Observers popped in. A second later, the elevator opened up, and Loyality security guards came out. I know that's not as funny as Walter's trip to Monty Python World, but I had a good laugh anyway.