
I have to assume it's only because Jon Wurster has probably never even heard of G.G. Allin.

Yeah, "we have a limited number of people" may not be the best card to pull when you have a readership that, one could safely guess, is comprised almost entirely of aspiring writers who would kill to be paid to write about podcasts.

So the Kennedy Assassination was nearly 50 years ago and took place long before most of us here were even born. Is that still the default go-to point for changing history for the better? That seems like a real baby boomer ideal to me and increasingly less relevant as an event readers would relate to.

I think Finn just represents the coming-of-age "hipster" suburbanite who's in the big dangerous city for the first time and who kind of romanticizes flirting with danger by hanging around the periphery of the mob (or gang culture, or whatever.) He knows he's a civilian and not in any real danger but it makes him feel

For those who say it went on too long— have you re-watched it since it aired? I don't think there's nearly as much "Johnnycakes" stuff as you might remember, the story actually doesn't get a lot of screen time. I'll concede the term "Johnnycakes" is supremely annoying and cutesy though.

I can't think of a case where a fictitious network on a TV show or movie hasn't sounded just plain wrong. They made the right choice never using a name, since when you hear obviously fake names for real world institutions it always breaks immersion. Kind of like how hearing a character give out a 555 number almost

Nothing could be worse than that Langoliers mini series.

I agree that all sports are more or less arbitrary,  meaningless and ridiculous but Cricket (and hell, baseball too) is especially so.

I know just about everything on TV right now was stolen from Frankenhole but I think in this case, it's an idea that just about any writer who's seen Back to the Future 2 has come up with on their own.

Well part of the problem is that there's really no where for them to go, there's no light at the end of the tunnel or possible cure or any chance for society to rebuild, so it's all just about staying alive one more day. This show is just always going to drag, I think.

Rooker's coming back in a big way, guv'nor.

Eh, look at Lacey Chabert's IMDB, she's worked constantly as both actress and in voiceover since she was a child, she's been on quite a few successful things and will most likely keep working for a long time to come. I wouldn't worry about her, she's no Dunkelman.

Adult Swim should do a cartoon where there's a black cat who gets a white stripe on her back somehow and a skunk falls in love with her

They directed a Boost Mobile ad for the Super Bowl. There's nothing anti-corporate about either of them.

Thing is, I don't believe he's racist is a hateful or even mean spirited way. He's definitely a product of growing up white and poor in L.A., specifically the hell hole that is Van Nuys.

Sports is a competition. It's different.

Vance reading a Gentle Giant article from a vintage prog magazine was the highlight of my week.

I dug the Charles Barkley but there's definitely a UCB Improv pattern going on with Fagin Platt and a lot of other recent guests. You just kind of see the "yes and…" process going on so all the bits start to meld together.

It's a blue pumpkin.

Well, Steve Martin was absolutely transcendent as a standup comedian. Like a one-in-a-billion talent.