
But you'll miss next week when they move to the set of Wipeout!

C'mon?  Who's never heard of beer can chicken?  And it is not actually that good.  Every suburban backyard griller tries that and some of them think it is impressive.  not….that…..good

They admit you to a hospital, they take every precaution before releasing you.  So we don't know where ehe was when she was missing.

To me it looked like "sucking up".

I consider her obesity a factor.

Suspect she annoyed the judges.

I'm still boycotting Kelloggs from that Mike Phelps deal.  Haven't eaten them since then.  I love nutri-grain bars and buy the knock-offs.

Fancy book larnin'

I suspect a "Race" employee may have hinted that there was nothing to be found there.  Doesn't that occasionally happen? 

I wish I was a cab driver in Panama.  Those guys partay!

I watched Survivor in Thailand, dubbed.


Keith kept bragging he was nominated for a James Beard Award.  I believe this was actually a Jane's Beard award for actual beards and not a cooking award. That was an impressive chin warmer he had going.