
Cancelled after 3 episodes.

The teacher with tenure kicking the kid and then Stan coming in class and saying he is taking Steve to a whore house to get him laid with the rest of the class clapping as he leaves had me laughing so damn hard.

Right because you have to acknowledge the guy's race for some reason.

Yeah having animators take more time to pump out an episode, with horribly drawn animation is the way to go.

Never reboot those crap movies? Ever heard of X Men first class?

The fact they haven't even done a Wonder Woman movie yet is pathetic.

There was just as many women as men where I saw it.

They mentioned one fighter, and he only had one RPG on the deck.

"…was yet another example of the entrenched racist humor on this show"

Is he supposed to stay evil for the entirety of the show? It's not like it's one big linear story with character arcs.

Kyle telling Stan that if the movie is so important that every kid in America should see it so he should put it on the internet for free was quite brilliant.

Vader47000, that's because the South Park movie was a movie. You can't get a TV show nominated for an Oscar.

Anyone else notice "Kel's Good Burger"?

How did Stewie get all those machines? Stop thinking so deep about a cartoon.

Every single episode of South Park in the last 10 years or so is preachy as hell.

"I don't poke holes in it, I just enjoy the ride"

Plot continuity, for a half hour animated comedy show?

So why don't you? You keep watching anyway just so you can bitch about it. Why don't you start writing your own emmy award winning show?

Animated Hogan walks better than real life Hogan.

I can't wait to see your Emmey Award winning episode.